Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Five Festering Problems the Democrats Cynically Ignore

Our national media have a knack for missing important trends.  They are focused on what is seen as general confusion and a lack factual fidelity in the Trump administration.  The media miss entirely the contrast in adult responsible behavior by Republicans and the increasingly irresponsible Democrats.  Republicans at all levels of government are trying to solve America's problems.  Democrats are, at best, indifferent; it requires only a sliver of cynicism to conclude that very liberal Democrats are actually working to make our problems worse.

Here's a review of five of our most pressing problems.  If I'm missing some good works from the Democrats, I'd love to hear about them.
1. Bankruptcy of Social Security and Medicare.  Left uncorrected, the financial weakness of these programs either will result in default on their obligations or will drive our country into bankruptcy.  
From George W. Bush to Paul Ryan, Republicans have weathered a constant barrage of liberal obstruction and ridicule for their efforts to reform both programs.  Meanwhile, Democrats offer nothing.  Really let that sink in.  They offer nothing.

That's not quite true.  Obama's budgets contained ever increasing budget cuts to Medicare, which would bring us dangerously close to a default of its obligations. 

2. Obamacare.  From its inception, critics argued that the Affordable Care Act was actuarially unsound.  They were right.  There's no doubt that a few people benefit from the program, but only at the expense of many other people.  There is even less doubt that the program cannot continue.  It has reached the predicted death spiral.  Obamacare must be undone before it causes irreparable damage to our health care delivery system.
Republicans were elected to repeal and replace Obamacare.  The Democrat position is a modern version of "mend it; don't end it."  Here's the catch: there are no Democratic Party proposals to mend their creation.

Liberals are completely hands off.  They offer no help with the mess the ACA created, but they say if Republicans try to fix the problem, then Republicans own whatever problems ensue.  It's difficult to put the breadth and depth of this irresponsibility into words.  Happily, we have Michael Ramirez to express it artistically.

Read the rest here:
Blog: Five festering problems the Democrats cynically ignore

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