Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hard to Sympathize

Al Sharpton by David Shankbone
Al Sharpton by David Shankbone (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to the Media, President Obama and the slick-haired Al Sharpton, we white devils are supposed to feel very sorry for the plight of the black teen.

I believe Americans, by and large, do have sympathy for any person or group who’ve had life deal them a bad hand.

However, young black thugs, you’ve got to work with us a little bit because you’re kind of operating against the storyline the aforementioned are singing about y’all, and thus, making it difficult for us to soulfully commiserate.

Of what, pray tell, do I speak?

Well, homeslice, it goes something like this: For us to give a crap about your below-par existence we’d like to hear less and less about…
  • Your ghastly grades in school
  • Your ridiculous dropout rates
  • Your colossal out of wedlock birthrates
  • Your embracing of a musical culture that celebrates the shooting of cops and doing filthy, vile things to someone’s daughter
  • Your love affair with drugs and alcohol
  • Your #hatethem tweets aimed at white people
  • Your flash mobbing and robbing places and people
  • Your audacity to blame everybody and their dog for your odious behavior
  • And your ginormous, misplaced racial chip on your shoulder 

Yes, if you could/would chill on some of that stuff, well … That’d be great. That would make us crackers think, “Hey, maybe you’re serious about getting out of the ditch you’re in.”

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Animals Gone Wild

Animal Farm
(Photo credit: Ben Templesmith)
Spot the common denominator (Click to read the full story):

(WMC-TV) - A Memphis man remains in the hospital at the burn unit after police say he was set on fire. Authorities identified two suspects wanted for the crime. 

Police are hoping surveillance video will help catch four suspects after a hot dog vender was robbed and attacked with a stolen hammer at a Ferguson Home Depot on Wednesday. view full article - See more at:
Police are hoping surveillance video will help catch four suspects after a hot dog vender was robbed and attacked with a stolen hammer at a Ferguson Home Depot on Wednesday.

SPOKANE, Wash. - WWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle of Okinawa only to be beaten and left for dead by two teens at the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday evening.

Police are hoping surveillance video will help catch four suspects after a hot dog vender was robbed and attacked with a stolen hammer at a Ferguson Home Depot on Wednesday. view full article - See more at:
Police are hoping surveillance video will help catch four suspects after a hot dog vender was robbed and attacked with a stolen hammer at a Ferguson Home Depot on Wednesday. view full article - See more at:
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to the Banana Republic

English: President Obama just about to deliver...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the third of the six films of the Star Wars saga, the Sith Lord who has infiltrated to become the ruling Chancellor of the democratic republic confederation of peaceful worlds announces to the elected Assembly of representatives of those worlds that to deal with an exaggerated, fabricated crisis, “The Old Republic will be reorganized into the first Intergalactic Empire.” The distracted Assembly responds with polite applause. One of the few characters who understands what is happening remarks wryly, “So this is how the Republic ends. With applause.”

Proving that truth is stranger than fiction, this is happening right now in the United States of America. President Obama has already seized the power to rule by decree, and is doing so virtually every day now.

For those who do not immediately get what is meant by “rule by decree,” let me explain. The Constitution grants the power to legislate, to make laws, to the Congress, which is why it is called “the Legislative Branch.” It grants the power to carry out, or execute, the laws to the President, which is why the President and his Administration are called “the Executive Branch.” The Constitution accordingly specifies that the President’s duty is “to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” It grants the power to interpret and adjudicate the law to the Judiciary, which is why that is called “the Judicial Branch.”

But President Obama does not accept the limitations of his role within this constitutional framework. He is now regularly exercising the power to legislate directly himself, either by announcing on his own supposed authority changes in existing laws that Congress has already passed, or by announcing that he will carry out entirely new laws that Congress never passed, or even refused to pass. These actions are brazen, lawless violations of the Constitution.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Nero Fiddled, Obama Golfed

Clashes Around Muslim Brotherhood's Main Headq...
Clashes Around Muslim Brotherhood's Main Headquarters in Cairo (Photo credit: Jonathan Rashad)
As church after church is put to the torch in Egypt by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies, one of the things that is going up in flames is the reputation of President Obama.
In the past 48 hours alone, some 57 Egyptian churches have been burned to the ground in the Nile valley. It will not be lost on the Egyptians that Mr. Obama has spent the crisis playing golf at Martha’s Vineyard.

Scores of Christians are being consumed in this conflagration, some burned beyond recognition defending their churches, even as Mr. Obama’s much-despised envoy in Egypt, Ambassador Patterson, still tries to effect a reconciliation between the the Muslim Brotherhood conducting this devastation and the Egyptians who revolted against the Brotherhood’s rule.

Mr. Obama came out against a pastoral background to urge the Egyptian military and government to take it easy on his favored Islamists and to hint at even more sanctions if they do not. As Mr. Obama retreated back to the beach, his aides warned of a cutoff of the $1.5 billion a year that American has been providing, though such aid is now being overwhelmed with a package of $12 billion that began flowing from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates only last month.

In Arab culture, such language and mannerism, including the wagging of fingers, will be seen as insulting, which at least partly explains the rush by the oil-rich countries to help the revolutionary government in Cairo. Yet America’s problem is larger than finger pointing. The Obama administration is allying itself against those fighting for a secular Arab world, a fight that is now arising across the Arab world. It may be that two decades ago the radical religious ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood won some adherents. But Arabs have long since rejected that siren. America seems to have trouble catching up.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Brief History of Racism

English: Christian slavery in Barbary - The hi...
English: Christian slavery in Barbary - The history of slavery and the slave trade, ancient and modern. The forms of slavery that prevailed in ancient nations, particularly in Greece and Rome. The African slave trade and the political history of slavery in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Racism and Slavery began in 1776 when the White People of the United States of America began to grow cotton, and decided they needed African slaves to pick it. It was only then that they went directly to Africa to capture charming, civilized, peaceful, literate, cultured, soulful, black folk and force them onto their plantations as slaves.

No one in the world had ever heard of such a thing as slavery before evil White People in the United States of America invaded by the thousands—like savage locusts—the Utopian lands of lushest Africa, and stole, wholesale, the noble natives right out of their cottages...and brutally tore them from their paradisaical homeland of love and brotherhood, and sharing and caring among all the worthy tribes of that majestic land.

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Two Tear System

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, obamacare, congress, hypocrisy, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, medicine, insurance, exchanges, conservative, tea party

Because the Obamacare bill is huge, confusing, contradictory, and filled with malodorous, semi-digested bits of roughage which Nance Pelosi "passed so you can see what's in it," there are a few aspects of the law which needed clarification.

For example, the Obamacare law specifically states that lawmakers and their staff members must purchase their own health insurance through the online exchanges that the law created. Period. Case closed.

Hmmm- that doesn't seem to hard to interpret, does it? But the language means that these very highly-paid individuals would then lose the generous coverage already provided under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and have to share the same options as the filthy rabble.

That's why the House and Senate brought in a lawyer...well, a former lawyer who no longer has a carefully reexamine the language. That man, who by wild coincidence happens to be the very "Obama" that "Obamacare" was named after, has interpreted the language to mean "never mind what the law says - politicians and their staffs can still keep their high salaries (averaging around $174k/year), and their taxpayer-funded top-quality healthcare plans, and get a Monopoly card that allows them to "Go Directly Past The Death Panels and Collect $200k."

The fear was that if wealthy politicians and staff members had to pay for the same so-called "Affordable Healthcare" which the rest of us are getting in kinetic suppository form, they'd be forced to quit their jobs and go elsewhere - causing a "brain drain" in Washington which would make it even more stupid and inept than it already is.  

A concept which is, to Hope n' Change anyway, frankly inconceivable.

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, obamacare, congress, hypocrisy, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, medicine, insurance, exchanges, conservative, tea party

Promise the Impossible!

English: President Barack Obama's signature on...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Promise the impossible, confess impotence, point fingers. Repeat.

I’ve been putting off unpacking President Obama’s answer on Obamacare at his press conference today, so packed full is it of straw men and misrepresentations and fantasy and smears and straight-up lies. But here we go. The Cliffs Notes are the sentence above, if you should prefer to refer to them.

The takeaway is that, despite there being literally no way to wring good news about Obamacare from any question to any poll with any demographic, the president has decided his continued confidence in the program, which reality proves to be increasingly misplaced every day, will save it. Every time he talks about Obamacare, he assures everyone they’ll like it because it’s going to work. But the reason people don’t like it is they’ve had three years to show people it’s working, and it has brought nearly nothing but headaches and apprehension to a majority of Americans while breaking every single major promise the president made. Americans were skeptical of the law from the beginning, throughout its passage, and it is experience not misinformation or lack of salesmanship that has made them more skeptical.

First, Obama addresses the unilateral delay of a major part of the bill— the employer mandate:
With respect to health care, I didn’t simply choose to delay this on my own. This was in consultation with businesses all across the country, many of whom are supportive of the Affordable Care Act, but — and who — many of whom, by the way, are already providing health insurance to their employees but were concerned about the operational details of changing their HR operations if they’ve got a lot of employees, which could be costly for them, and them suggesting that there may be easier ways to do this.
No one really cares whether he got permission from a bunch of CEOs to unconstitutionally change a major part of this law. But what do I know? I’m no constitutional law professor. If this isn’t a naked expression some of the highest-placed abuse of power in service of corporatism we’ve ever seen from an American president, I don’t know what it is.

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good For Thee But Not For Me

079 Capitol Hill United States Congress 1993
(Photo credit: David Holt London)
Members of Congress are brazenly insisting the laws they pass apply to everyone but themselves.

Republicans and Democrats, who can agree on almost nothing else, are conniving to exempt themselves and their staff from Sect. 1312 (d) of the Affordable Care Act that requires them to get their health insurance on the newly created insurance exchanges and pay the same premiums the public will have to pay.

Currently, members of Congress and their staff are covered by plans they chose through the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program, with taxpayers picking up 75% of the tab. The thinking behind the new requirement is that what’s good enough for the public ought to be good enough for Congress.
Sadly, Washington lawmakers don’t agree. They claim that despite their generous salaries (members earn $174,000) they can’t afford Obamacare premiums. What the government deems “affordable” for the rest of us isn’t affordable for them.

For example, in New York City, a family of 3 with household income of $80,000 will be required to pay a whopping $12,784 for the second cheapest silver plan with a $3,000 deductible. This family won’t be eligible for a tax credit. Washington says $12,784 is “affordable” for them. But not for a member of Congress with more than double that income. Under the scheme the lawmakers are pushing, they would have to pay only $3,193 for the same plan.

Nothing in the Affordable Care Act allows this break for members of Congress and their staff. But for weeks, lawmakers from both parties — who can agree on nothing else — have been conspiring to weasel out of paying what the public has to pay. On this one issue, Republicans and Democrats are thick as thieves. They’ve even recruited President Obama to get personally involved. The President has enlisted the help of the Office of Personnel Management. Just to make sure OPM produces a remedy, Republicans in the Senate have put a hold on the nomination of the next Director of the Office of Personnel Management until the issue is resolved.

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Downfall of Detroit


By Frosty Wooldridge

For 15 years, from the mid 1970's to 1990, I worked in Detroit , Michigan. I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gunplay, drugs, school truancy, car-jacking, gangs and human depravity. I watched entire city blocks burned out. I watched graffiti explode on buildings, cars, trucks, buses and school yards. Trash everywhere!

The people of Detroit walked through it, tossed more into it, and ignored it. Tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands today exist on federal welfare, free housing, and food stamps!

With Aid to Dependent Children, minority women birthed eight to 10, and in one case, one woman birthed 24 children as reported by the Detroit Free Press, all on American taxpayer dollars.

A new child meant a new car payment, new TV, and whatever mom wanted. I saw Lyndon Baines Johnson's 'Great Society' flourish in Detroit . If you give money for doing nothing, you will get more hands out taking money for doing nothing.

Mayor Coleman Young, perhaps the most corrupt mayor in America , outside of Richard Daley in Chicago , rode Detroit down to its knees... He set the benchmark for cronyism, incompetence, and arrogance. As a black man, he said, "I am the MFIC." The IC meant "in charge". You can figure out the rest.

Detroit became a majority black city with 67 percent (now more) African-Americans.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

What Can Happen If Government Gets Out Of The Way

Three coronary artery bypass grafts, a LIMA to...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

India's Walmart of Heart Surgery Cuts the Cost by 98%

Devi Shetty keeps photographs of Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi on his desk, and he’s obsessed with making cardiac surgery affordable for millions of Indians. But these two facts are not connected. Shetty’s a heart surgeon-turned-businessman who founded a chain of 21 medical centers around India. Every bit the capitalist, he has trimmed costs by buying cheaper scrubs and spurning air-conditioning and other efficiencies. That’s helped cut the price of artery-clearing coronary bypass surgery to 95,000 rupees ($1,555)—half of what it was 20 years ago. He wants to get it down to $800 within a decade. The same procedure costs $106,385 at Ohio’s Cleveland Clinic, according to data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

“It shows that costs can be substantially contained,” says Srinath Reddy, president of the Geneva-based World Heart Federation. “It’s possible to deliver very high-quality cardiac care at a relatively low cost.”

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