Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Horrors of the Church and Its Holy Inquisition

“Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity.” - Pope Innocent III

The Inquisition was an ecclesiastical court and process of the Roman Catholic Church setup for the purpose towards the discovery and punishment of heresy which wielded immense power and brutality in medieval and early modern times. The Inquisitions function was principally assembled to repress all heretics of rights, depriving them of their estate and assets which became subject to the ownership of the Catholic treasury, with each relentlessly sought to destroy anyone who spoke, or even thought differently to the Catholic Church. This system for close to over six centuries became the legal framework throughout most of Europe that orchestrated one of the most confound religious orders in the course of mankind.

Inquisition Procedure
At root the word Inquisition signifies as little of evil as the primitive “inquire,” or the adjective inquisitive, but as words, like persons, lose their characters by bad associations, so “Inquisition” has become infamous and hideous as the name of an executive department of the Roman Catholic Church.

All crimes and all vices are contained in this one word Inquisition. Murder, robbery, arson, outrage, torture, treachery, deceit, hypocrisy, cupidity, holiness. No other word in all languages is so hateful as this one that owes its abhorrent preeminence to its association with the Roman Church.

In the Dark Side of Christian History, Helen Ellerbe describes how the same men who had been both prosecutor and judge decided upon the sentence of heresy. Once an Inquisitor arrived to a heresy-ridden district, a 40 day period of grace was usually allowed to all who wished to confess by recanting their faith.

After this period of grace had finished, the inhabitants were then summoned to appear before the Inquisitor. Citizens accused of heresy would be woken in the dead of night, ordered, if not gagged, and then escorted to the holy edifice, or Inquisition prison for closer examination.

In 1244, the Council of Harbonne ordered that in the sentencing of heretics, no husband should be spared because of his wife, nor wife because of her husband, and no parent spared from a helpless child. Once in custody victims waited before their judge anxiously, while he pondered through the document of their accusation. During the first examination, enough of their property was likewise confiscated to cover the expenses of the preliminary investigation.

The accused would then be implicated and asked incriminating and luring questions in a dexterous manner of trickery calculated to entangle most. Many manual’s used and promulgated were by the grand inquisitor Bernardus Guidonis, the Author of Practica Inquisitionis (Practice of the Inquisition) and the Directorium Inquisitorum (Guideline for Inquisitors) completed by Nicolaus Eymerich, grand inquisitor of Aragon. These were the authoritative text-books for the use of inquisitors until the issue of Torquemada’s instructions in 1483, which was an enlarged and revised Directorium.

Read more:
The Horrors of the Church and Its Holy Inquisition

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Second Amendment

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

“Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.” Patrick Henry, 1775

“Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” James Madison, Federalist 46

“…to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” George Mason, Virginia Ratification Convention, 1778

“…if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 28

“Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large, than to have them properly armed and equipped;” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 29

“the constitutions of most of our states assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, … or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the press.” Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright June 5, 1824

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Most Shocking DNC Emails Released by Wikileaks

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
DNC making fun of black womans name.
DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.
DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.
DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.
DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”
DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.
Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz having an off the record meeting in MSNBC President Phil Griffin’s office.
DNC being messed with by the Washington Examiner.
DNC discussing Hillary’s policies as unfeasible.
$200k for a private dinner with Hillary.
Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.
Faking outrage and pasting in a video later.
A mole working inside of the Sanders campaign.
Bringing up Sanders religion to scare the southern voters.
Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits.
Politico writer sending his stories to the DNC before he sends them to his editor.
DNC feeding CNN the questions they want to be asked in interviews.
Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist.
Hillary funding 2 million dollars in a cooridanted campaign in battleground states to win back the Senate.
DNC is upset that their “allies” didn’t send in protestors so they sent out interns.
“Clinton Foundation quid-pro-quo worries are lingering, will be exploited in general.”
$50,000 – Lawrence Benenson.
Daily Fundraising Report for the DNC.
Content & Social Strategy Discussion.
Re: BuzzFeed and DNC connection.
Draft linking news articles about trump to use as negative press.
Fwd: State Dinner Countdown.
Some chick is angry she hasn’t been given more stuff from the Obama administration…might be interesting to follow up.
Re: State Dinner Countdown.
Tim O’Brien: Trump’s Fixation on Inflating his Net Worth is a Cause for Concern.
RE: May Fundraising Numbers.
Hillary for America Raised $26.4 Million in April, Began May with More than $30 Million Cash on Hand.
Re: For approval: Trump supporter graphics.
Press talking points, states Hillary is their candidate, dated May 5, 2016. More of a smoking gun than the ambiguous talk in the emails themselves.
Consultant calling megyn kelly a bimbo. Has PDF attached that says the same.
DNC trying to get away with violating the Hatch Act.
Democrats using interns to organize fake “protests.”
RE: Action on DNC tomorrow (Immigration Raids).

A Germans Outlook on Muslims

Hard to argue with this:
This is one of the best explanations of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and well-respected psychiatrist. A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.'  My family lost everything.  I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.

'We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is a religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. ''Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant.  It is meaningless fluff meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

'The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march.  It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. 'It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave.  It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.

'The hard quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous.

'Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.

' China 's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

'The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

And who can forget Rwanda , which collapsed into butchery? Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were peace loving?

'History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt. Yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our Enemy if they don't speak up.  Like my friend from Germany , they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them and the end of their world will have begun.

'Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

'Now Islamic prayers have been introduced in Toronto and other public schools in Ontario , and, yes, in  Ottawa , too, while the Lord's Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?) The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in.

'In Australia , and indeed in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft have the halal emblem just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within the nation's shores.

‘In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of "no-go" zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the Muslim community in those areas refuse to acknowledge British law.

'As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts - the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

'Lastly, anyone who doubts that this issue is not serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand.’

Extend yourself a bit and send this on. Let us hope that thousands world-wide read this, think about it,  and send it on before it's too late, and we are silenced because we were silent!!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Secret Christianity that Catholicism Doesn’t Want You to Know About

It’s called Gnostic Christianity, and it is radically different than any other Christianity you’ve heard of. In fact, it’s so radically different, that when you learn about its origins, you might begin to question everything you think you know about Christianity.

Before Catholicism was decreed the state religion of Rome by constantine in the 4th century AD, the empire was very diverse in its spirituality. They worshipped many gods, including Greek and Roman deities, many of which were based upon philosophical concepts like love, virtue, justice, wisdom, and time, and celestial bodies such as the planets, constellations, and even the spirit of planet earth herself.

During this time, early forms of Christianity were developing, and between the beginning of the AD calendar cycle and for about 300 years, there were 2 predominant christianities that were known. One was a sort of Literalist Christianity, rigidly authoritarian, which would eventually become the basis for the Roman Catholic Church… The other was known as Gnostic.

Between 312 AD and 325 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine the 1st converted to Catholic Christianity, and began the process of rigidly suppressing all Gnostic and Pagan faiths until they had all but disappeared from the collective mind. Those who did not convert were tortured, killed or fled, and for over 1600 years, all knowledge of Gnosticism had vanished. Very little was known about them or their beliefs, until in 1945, a small library of Gnostic scriptures were discovered in a cave near Nag Hammadi in Egypt. The information writ on these scriptures has revolutionized our modern understanding of early christianity.

Read more:
The Secret Christianity that Catholicism Doesn’t Want You to Know About | Spirit Science

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Top 10 Cases of Plagiarizing Democrats

10. Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA). The California doctor and congressman admitted borrowing lines in anSacramento Bee pushing for fast-track negotiating authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Buzzfeed, which made the initial catch, noted that Bera had borrowed heavily from Obama administration talking points and from pro-business sources.
op-ed in the

9. Sen. John Walsh (D-MT): Walsh retired in 2014 after youthful plagiarism was uncovered. The New York Times reported: “His withdrawal from the race comes about two weeks after The New York Times reported that in 2007 Mr. Walsh plagiarized large sections of the final paper he completed to earn his master’s degree at the prestigious Army War College in Carlisle, Pa.”

8. Mary Burke, candidate for WI governor. The Democrats’ 2014 nominee against incumbent Republican Scott Walker was caught by Buzzfeed: “Large portions of Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke’s jobs plan for Wisconsin appear to be copied directly from the plans of three Democratic candidates who ran for governor in previous election cycles.”

7. Susan Wismer, candidate for SD governor. In another catch for Buzzfeed‘s Andrew Kaczynski, South Dakota’s 2014 Democratic nominee was caught borrowing campaign materials — including, ironically, biographical material from Mary Burke of Wisconsin (#8 above), who herself faced plagiarism accusations in the same election cycle, just days before.

6. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). The liberal firebrand from Harvard, whose claims to Native American ancestry have never been authenticated, contributed several recipes to a cookbook called Pow Wow Chow in the 1980s. In 2012, it emerged that several of those recipes appeared to have been stolen from the New York Times — and were French, not Native American.

5. Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). The current Secretary of State faced several accusations of plagiarism during his 2004 presidential campaign, including the claim that he copied several passages in his 2007 book from other sources, and speculation that he may have stolen a campaign trail “memory” from Hillary Clinton’s memoir of the 1992 election.

4. Michelle Obama. Though the accusation never found traction in the mainstream media, the aspiring First Lady appeared to have lifted phrases from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radical — a classic primer on community organizing — and attributed them to her husband. It is conceivable that Obama, an accused plagiarizer himself (see below), passed them off as his own. 

3. Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE). Biden’s 1988 presidential aspirations were destroyed after it emerged that he borrowed heavily from British Labour Party politician Neal Kinnock — not just Kinnock’s words, but his biographical details. He was also found to have plagiarized in law school. Biden still made it to the top — or near the top — on charm and sheer perseverance.

2. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY). The 2008 and 2016 presidential candidate was accused, both times, of plagiarizing others’ lines — and her own. Most recently, she was accused by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) of stealing his talking points, partly in an effort to convince left-wing voters that there was no distance between the two. Her effort inspired a hashtag: #StealtheBern.

1. Barack Obama. The supposedly great orator was caught lifting the major refrain, “Don’t tell me words don’t matter,” from Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, his friend and fellow Harvard Law graduate. The irony of arguing for the importance of words, and then borrowing those words without attribution, was a sign of just how empty so many of those words really were.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. His new book, See No Evil: 19 Hard Truths the Left Can’t Handle, will be published by Regnery on July 25 and is available for pre-order through Amazon. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Top 10 Cases of Plagiarizing Democrats - Breitbart

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Taught Not to Try - John Stossel

The first step in inventing something shouldn't be waiting for government approval. What would ever
get done?

"Regulators like to see new types of law and regulation imposed upon the internet and emerging technologies," warns Adam Thierer, author of "Permissionless Innovation."

"From drones to driverless cars to the 'internet of things' ... they want to put the genie back in the bottle of all this wonderful innovation that's out there."

"Think about 20 years ago. If Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, if Steve Jobs of Apple or anybody from Google had to come to the government, say, the Federal Communications Commission and get their blessing or a license to operate, you have to wonder how many of them would even exist today," said Thierer.

I assume that most would not exist, or if they did, they would be much less useful than they are now. All Silicon Valley innovation would have been slower and dumber had they been forced to apply for FCC permission each step of the way.

Luckily, in the '90s, a Republican Congress and President Bill Clinton gave entrepreneurs a green light. Shrinking regulation was a popular idea then. As a result, American innovation pulled ahead of the rest of the world. We got iPhones, Google and Facebook because competing private businesses ran the show.

In Europe, politicians took control. French bureaucrats created a computer network called Minitel and spent a fortune giving free computers to millions of people. The Minitel computers replaced paper phone books. People also used them to chat, book train reservations, etc.

Lots of people celebrated the "forward-thinking" French bureaucrats, but by 2012, Minitel was dead -- replaced by unplanned innovation from America.

Europe treated innovation as something that could be run by centralized industrial policy. Today, many in the U.S. want to follow that example.

Try anything with a drone that involves making money, and government says you have to wait for permission from the Federal Aviation Administration.

"That's not the way innovation happens," says Thierer. "It's a bottom-up spontaneous kind of thing. Create the right environment and innovators innovate."

Government worries about irresponsible things you might do with your drone, like fly it into an airplane. But drones weighs less than seagulls, which hit planes all the time.

"If you base all public policy on hypothetical worst-case scenarios, then best-case scenarios never come about," says Thierer. "We'll never get life-saving or life-enriching innovations."

Read the rest:
Taught Not to Try - John Stossel

Monday, July 18, 2016

Sheriff David Clarke Makes Lemonade Out of CNN's Don Lemon

We Have a ‘War on Cops’ because of the War on the Family

Just so we’re clear, here’s the left’s narrative on the police in America: there’s widespread and institutionalized racism inside America’s law enforcement agencies, and black Americans are especially targeted. This racism has led to the deaths of a disproportionate number of innocent black Americans. In order to stop this heinous activity, we need more gun control legislation, more wealth redistribution, more job and education programs, and thus Americans need to elect more Democrats.

Heather MacDonald (more than once), Larry Elder (more than once), and a host of others have provided mountains of evidence that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that there is no widespread special targeting of blacks by U.S. law enforcement. In addition to the crime statistics, consider: of the 50 largest cities in the U.S., 30 percent have a black police chief. Of the 50 largest sheriff’s departments in the U.S., 12 percent were led by black Americans. (Remember, blacks are about 13 percent of the U.S. population, and sheriffs are usually elected.)

Barack Obama, the U.S. president and commander-in-chief of the U.S. military -- the largest, most powerful military in the world -- is a black man. The U.S. attorney general -- the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the U.S. government -- Loretta Lynch, is a black woman. The previous U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder, is a black man. No doubt there are racists within U.S. law enforcement -- as there are in almost any agency, institution, or organization in America -- however, there is no way a nation achieves the racial diversity detailed above if widespread, institutionalized racism exists.

Read more:
Articles: We Have a ‘War on Cops’ because of the War on the Family

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Impossible Voyage of Noah's Ark

Suppose you picked up the newspaper tomorrow morning and were startled to see headlines
announcing the discovery of a large ship high on the snowy slopes of Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey. As you hurriedly scanned the article, you learned that a team from the Institute for Creation Research had unearthed the vessel and their measurements and studies had determined that it perfectly matched the description of Noah's Ark given in the book of Genesis. Would this be proof at last—the "smoking gun" as it were—that the earliest chapters of the Bible were true and that the story they told of a six-day creation and a universal flood was a sober, scientific account?

Perhaps surprisingly, the answer is no. Even this sensational find is not enough to validate a literal reading of Genesis. Our continuing skepticism is in the tradition of philosopher David Hume, who wrote that "the knavery and folly of men are such common phenomena that I should rather believe the most extraordinary events to arise from their concurrence than admit of so signal a violation of the laws of nature." As we shall see, the story of the great flood and the voyage of the ark, as expounded by modern creationists, contains so many incredible "violations of the laws of nature" that it cannot possibly be accepted by any thinking person. Despite ingenious efforts to lend a degree of plausibility to the tale, nothing can be salvaged without the direct and constant intervention of the deity.

To read the full story follow the links below:

Title: The Impossible Voyage of Noah's Ark
Author(s): Robert A. Moore
Volume: 4
Number: 1
Quarter: Winter
Page(s): 1–43
Year: 1983
Building the Ark
Accommodating All Those Animals
Leaving Some Things Behind
Sizing Up the Load
Gathering the Cargo
Surviving the Flood
Caring for the Cargo