Thursday, August 20, 2015

You Don't Have (Hillary's) Mail

Before the Kardashians, reality soap opera fans had the Clintons. If you are too young to have lived through or too old to remember clearly those years, Thomas Lifson has a neat synopsis of As the Clinton World Turns

This week’s episode, "Three Card Monty", continues as Hillary’s various stories about the official emails she improperly kept on a private server come undone. To refresh the story -- in order to protect national security, assure transparency in government, and to preserve an archive of official actions, she was supposed to use a secured Department of State server. Instead she kept a private, previously undisclosed server which held on it all her official and personal emails and those of her aides. A Freedom of Information Act case was filed and the woman her husband once called “the smartest woman in the world” and her spinners have been churning out excuses ever since.
This week we learned the following:

1. There was some highly classified secret information in her emails -- even in those very  few she turned over that had not been scrubbed or tampered with by her and her staff.
There is no doubt that she, or someone on her State Department staff, violated federal law by putting TOP SECRET//SI information on an unclassified system. That it was Hillary’s private, offsite server makes the case even worse from a security viewpoint. Claims that they “didn’t know” such information was highly classified do not hold water and are irrelevant. It strains belief that anybody with clearances didn’t recognize that NSA information, which is loaded with classification markings, was signals intelligence, or SIGINT. It’s possible that the classified information found in Clinton’s email trove wasn’t marked as such. But if that classification notice was omitted, it wasn’t the U.S. intelligence community that took such markings away. Moreover, anybody holding security clearances has already assumed the responsibility for handling it properly.
As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had no authority to disseminate IC information on her own, neither could she make it less highly classified (a process termed “downgrading” in the spy trade) without asking IC permission first.
It is a very big deal and less connected people who do this sort of thing ruin their lives, as any IC counterintelligence official can attest.
2. Hillary Clinton tampered with even those emails she turned over to the Department of Justice. 
The sections withheld didn’t relate to wedding dresses or yoga poses.
Hillary Clinton withheld Benghazi-related emails from the State Department that detailed her knowledge of the scramble for oil contracts in Libya and the shortcomings of the NATO-led military intervention for which she advocated.
Clinton removed specific portions of other emails she sent to State, suggesting the messages were screened closely enough to determine which paragraphs were unfit to be seen by the public.
Clinton selectively edited other portions of emails she declined to provide to the State Department.
For example, in July 2012, Clinton removed paragraphs from a Blumenthal memo that warned “simply completing the election… and fulfilling a list of proper democratic milestones may not create a true democracy.” Blumenthal also wrote -- in sections that Clinton deleted before providing the document to State -- that the government would likely be “founded on Sharia,” or Islamic laws.
The group advocating to implement Sharia, Ansar al-Sharia, is a designated terrorist group that played a role in the Benghazi attacks.
But Clinton hid how much she knew about that development.
Read more:
Articles: You Don't Have (Hillary's) Mail

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