Thursday, August 6, 2015

Articles: America's First Socialist Fortune

Last Friday, Hillary Clinton released the Clintons’ income tax returns for 2007-2014. They were very much as had been rumored.

From 2007 to 2014, the Clintons “earned” $141 million. They paid $56 million in taxes, leaving a net balance of $85 million. The Clintons gave $15 million to charity over the same period, which gets your attention. $15 million to charity! Not too shabby! Reading down a couple of paragraphs, it turns out that the charity they gave the $15 million to was… the Clinton Family Foundation. Aarrrggghhh. Fooled again.

Where did this money come from? Or to put it differently, what was sold to generate this income? Steel? Oil? Aircraft? Legal services?

None of the above. So, what was sold for $141 million? 

You. The United States of America.

Or, more precisely, influence over the policies of the United States of America. We are the sole superpower in the world. We have interests of all types in all areas. What is it worth to potentates around the world to “adjust” the policy of America? Perhaps just a little there. Perhaps deposing a dictator here. Who knows what the specific transactions were? Not knowing keeps the Clintons out of jail.

The pipeline? Speeches. $141 million of speeches. LOL. As a famous poet once said, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way that wind blows.” So, a wink and a nod on one side of the transaction and a speech on the other. Presto -- Juan Peron.

Since the Clintons are nonpareil at shamelessness and obfuscation, Hillary’s line on this magic fortune is the American Dream...

"We've come a long way from my days going door-to-door for the Children's Defense Fund and earning $16,450 as a young law professor in Arkansas --- and we owe it to the opportunities America provides," Clinton wrote in the release. [emphasis added] 

“We owe it to the opportunities that America provides.” Terrific. A piece of misdirection or, worse, the way socialists actually think wealth is accumulated. But this is not an enterprise fortune in the American tradition of providing a good or service to the public. This is a socialist fortune. This is the nomenklatura skimming off from the commonweal, the community of the nation. And doing so in a way that compromises -- for the first time in our history -- the integrity of our governmental processes.

Read more:
Articles: America's First Socialist Fortune

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