Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sandra Fluke Makes Massive Campaign Donation, Can't Afford $9 Birth Control

Different kinds of birth control pills.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sandra Fluke, the feminist twit who stood before Congress and proclaimed that she couldn’t afford $9 a month for birth control so taxpayers should fund it, is making a massive loan to her campaign to become a state Senator in California.

WND reports that Sandra Fluke is preparing a $100,000 loan to her campaign in addition to the $12,000 she’s already donated and another $4,826.27 in non-monetary donations. As WND points out, $100,000 could fund her promiscuity for 11,111 months, or to put it in perspective; 925 years from generic suppliers.

Her individual contributions have helped bring her fundraising total up to $416,185, including over $20,000 from her in-laws and $9,600 from her own family, according to California campaign finance reports. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that buys a hell of a lot of birth control.

Read more:
Mad World News: Sandra Fluke Makes Massive Campaign Donation, Can't Afford $9 Birth Control

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