Sunday, July 13, 2014

Read What Else Hobby Lobby Forces On Employees

English: Hobby Lobby store in Stow, Ohio
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Everyone is familiar with the current Supreme Court case involving the craft store giant, but there are many things about Hobby Lobby that are not being covered by the mainstream media. For example, did you know Hobby Lobby sets its own minimum wage, which currently exceeds the national by 93%? The facts covered here will shock you.

With the company being regularly vilified in the news due to their religious views and current conflict with the Affordable Care Act mandate for birth control, it’s time to set the record straight and give this company some of the positive publicity it deserves. In the brief article to follow are some details about Hobby Lobby and its founders that you probably haven’t heard on the news.

First, while the media continuously states Hobby Lobby does not want to offer birth control through its insurance plan, this is completely inaccurate. As previously reported, the company already covers 16 of the mandated 20 drugs under Obamacare. The controversy started when Hobby Lobby owners claimed it would be a “violation of conscience” to provide the remaining 4 drugs that cause “end of life” rather than standard contraception. Hobby Lobby doesn’t object to covering all contraception, only the emergency contraceptive pills Plan B and Ella and intrauterine devices (IUDs), which they believe are abortifacients. These abortifacient drugs are not what would typically come to mind when most people hear the words “birth control.”

Read more here:
Mad World News - Read What Else Hobby Lobby Forces On Employees

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