Monday, September 2, 2019

Proposed Gun Laws Would Do Nothing to Prevent Mass Killings, and Everyone Knows It

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H.L. Mencken

The country is again in an uproar following the latest mass shootings in Texas and Ohio.  In response to the hysterical clamor in the media to "do something," politicians in both the Democratic and Republican Parties want (yet again!) more gun laws.  Republicans, including President Trump, are proposing a "red flag" confiscation law that would enable police to summarily seize an individual's guns based on hearsay.  Such a law would blatantly violate the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments.  In practice, these laws would have no significant effect on actual shooters, but would ensnare people like Donald Montgomery, a retired police officer from Long Island who sought insomnia treatment — and was declared "mentally ill" and had his guns permanently seized under Andrew Cuomo's notorious "SAFE" Act.  Republicans should know better, but apparently, they don't.

Democrats are calling for a national ban on semi-automatic "assault weapons" and magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds.  If elected, there is no question that they will enact such a ban.  Some are even calling for a national confiscation, patterned on the confiscations in Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand.

What is absolutely certain is that such a ban will have no impact whatsoever on mass shootings.  It is entirely possible to commit mass murder with weapons that do not fall under the label of "assault weapons," and a significant number of mass shooters have done so.  In 1949, World War II veteran Howard Unruh murdered 13 people with a German Luger pistol with an 8-round capacity.  In 1966, University of Texas shooter Charles Whitman employed a bolt-action Remington hunting rifle in his spree.  In 1993, Jamaican immigrant Colin Ferguson, motivated by anti-white hatred, murdered six people and wounded 19 on the Long Island Railway with a 9mm pistol.  In 2006, Korean immigrant Seung-Hui Cho murdered 32 people at Virginia Tech with a brace of pistols, a 9mm Glock and a .22 caliber Walther.  Two thousand nine Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hasan used a Fabrique Nationale pistol to kill thirteen and wound thirty victims.  Twenty thirteen Navy Yard killer Aaron Alexis used a stolen 9mm pistol and a pump-action 12-gauge shotgun.  The Thousand Oaks, California killer murdered thirteen people with a .45 cal. pistol in 2018.

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