Saturday, June 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton Still 'Seething With Rage' Over Losing To 'Dumb, Soulless Manipulator' Trump - Matt Vespa

Hillary Clinton has come out of the woods. She has a new super PAC aimed at funding organizations fighting the Trump agenda. It will eventually be the war chest for 2018 midterm candidacies. She herself says she’s a member of the resistance. And she obviously hasn’t made her peace with losing to Donald J. Trump, who she reportedly feels is a “dumb, soulless manipulator.” Axios broke down her seething rage over losing from New York Magazine’s Rebecca Traister’s lengthy piece about Hillary post-campaign. One thing we have seen from the former secretary of state and two-time presidential loser is her inability to take full responsibility without blaming someone else. Her favorite targets are former FBI Director James Comey and the Russians. Yet, in Traister’s piece, everywhere the former first lady goes there are her supporters trapped in glass cases of emotion, still shocked over last November’s results.

Liberal America can’t get over this upset—and some of the weeping weenies who see Clinton out and about are reportedly asking for her forgiveness for not voting (via Axios):
"She's okay. How about you?" ... HRC interview with New York mag, "Hillary Clinton Is Furious. And Resigned. And Funny. And Worried. The surreal post-election life," by Rebecca Traister:
"Almost everywhere Clinton goes, it seems, someone starts crying. ... At restaurants, in grocery stores, on planes, and in the woods, there are lines of people wanting selfies, hugs, comfort."
"I had people literally seeking absolution. ... 'I'm so sorry I didn't vote. I didn't think you needed me.' I don't know how we'll ever calculate how many people thought it was in the bag, because the percentages kept being thrown at people ... I never bought any of that, but lots of people did."
"Part of what my opponent did, which was brilliant ... was blow the top off: You can say whatever you want about anybody else, and I'll tell you who to be against. I'll tell you who you should be resentful of." The stories her campaign tried to tell, she says, "were boring in comparison to the energy behind malicious nostalgia."
So, wanting policies that spur job creation and economic growth is “malicious nostalgia”? Wanting better trade deals is “malicious nostalgia”? Wanting border security and a crackdown on illegal aliens who are breaking our laws, committing murder and drunk driving—is that “malicious nostalgia”? Keeping jobs in America—is that “malicious nostalgia”?

Read the rest:
Hillary Clinton Still 'Seething With Rage' Over Losing To 'Dumb, Soulless Manipulator' Trump - Matt Vespa

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