Tuesday, April 11, 2017

When Muslims complain about ‘Islamophobia’

She pops up like clockwork whenever there’s a townhall.   Wearing a hijab and a doleful expression, the Muslim woman asks plaintively what the candidate intends to do about “Islamophobia.”  She will mention that she’s one of over 3 million Muslims in the U.S., and may claim that she’s frightened to go out in public.

When the question came to Donald Trump during the debate, he conceded, “You’re right about Islamophobia, and that’s a shame.”  Then he pivoted, a little awkwardly, to the issue of Muslims not reporting what they’d seen in the home of the jihadist couple in San Bernardino, and went on to mention Orlando, Paris, and the World Trade Center.  He then attacked Obama and Clinton for not being able to say the word “radical Islamic terror.”

That’s a big improvement on what Hillary said, naturally, but there’s a better answer. 

It’s really up to Muslims.  If they’re concerned about Islamophobia, they need to call off the jihad.  They need to stop killing and persecuting non-Muslims.  It won’t be easy, because they’ve been doing it for 1500 years.  But that’s the solution.

Islam is a religion of conquest.  The jihad is a fundamental tenet of the faith.  Mohammed conquered most of the Arabian Peninsula, and the armies of his successors swept into the then-Christian Middle East, across North Africa, and through Spain.  After the killing, pillaging, raping, and arson, the fields of Egypt and Sicily, the granaries of Europe, were overrun by the flocks of the conquerors, Muslim pirates infested the Mediterranean, and the jizya, the Islamic tax, was imposed.  The European economy was devastated and the Dark Ages commenced.

Read more:
Blog: When Muslims complain about ‘Islamophobia’

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