Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Disenfranchising American Voters

The Declaration of Independence established the basic idea that the government of the nation must be made up of elected legislators who answer to the will of the people. But in recent years the Democrat Party of the United States, and specifically President Obama, have made a willful effort to enact laws and policies without the consent of the people. 

Democrats are engaged in dismantling the legislative branches of the Federal and state governments using two strategies. The first strategy is to refuse to enforce existing legislation. The goal of this strategy is to undo the legislation of the past, and by default, make actions legal that were previously illegal. All laws require residents to either perform an action, such as the law that mandates a drivers license to operate an automobile on public streets; or to refrain from an action, such as the laws that require drivers not to exceed a posted speed limit.

There are always some people who, for various reasons, want to avoid complying with the law. But if the law is never enforced, or worse, if public officials go on television and proclaim that the law will not be enforced, then there is no reason for the majority of people to obey the law.

At some point if laws are not enforced then the original intent of the legislators, and therefore the people they represented, is nullified. In effect, a law is amended or repealed without the consent of the people. 

The most prominent area where laws are repealed through lack of enforcement is in the issue of Federal immigration law enforcement. Democrats have used their non-enforcement strategy to repeal immigration law.
It is fair to characterize this action as perpetrated primarily through the Democrat Party, since their officials have taken the most drastic, and illegal, actions to nullify immigration law. For example, in 1979 the City of Los Angeles issued Special Order 40. This order, issued by the police department, clearly stated that it will not play any role in the enforcement of Federal immigration law. To this day the order remains in effect
Interfering with Immigration enforcement is a violation of the 1996 Immigration Act. It is also a violation of law for a police chief to openly disobey laws that are on the books. Nothing is done since promoting the movement of illegal immigrants is obviously a high priority on the Democrat Party’s national agenda.

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