Thursday, April 3, 2014

Seven Hard Truths Liberals Just Don’t Want To Hear

It’s difficult to understand liberals when you don’t live in their sheltered cocoon of participation trophies, faux caring and feel-good lies.

Those of us who labor in the real world – who built this country, who make it work and who defend it – deal with reality. Most liberals don’t. And that can be baffling, because when they speak they sound like visitors from the planet Nimrod.

Now, some liberals do understand the real world. They are the cynical liberal icons, the ones who know their entire ideology is a scam designed to wring power and wealth from the gullible.
They are the rich ones who cry about poverty and racism then gleefully consign poor and minority kids to public school failure factories by doing the bidding of their unionized teacher partners and torpedoing educational choice. Their own kids wouldn’t get within a mile of an inner city public school, except maybe to swing by in the Mercedes C-Class they got for their 16th birthday to buy some weed from the gangbangers infesting it.

These liberals are the ones who demand we double energy prices and trade in our cars for seats on scuzzy busses driven by union drones because of global warming. The fact that it never actually gets any warmer won’t stop a liberal from hopping into his private jet and flying off to ink a deal to sell his network to some Mideast oil sheik for a zillion petro dollars.

Hard Truth Number 1: If you are a liberal who really believes that your liberal heroes actually believe in liberalism, you are a sucker and a fool. Maybe even foolish enough to let your daughter take a drive with one across a bridge.

Hard Truth Number 2 concerns the minimum wage and the delusion that labor should be valued not between those who provide it and those who pay for it, but by you based upon your own subjective notion of “fairness.” The hard truth is that you are worth precisely what an employer will pay for you, and nothing more.

Take it from someone who employs a bunch of people – if I have to pay more for you at the unskilled bottom of the ladder, assuming I don’t cut low-end positions, that money is coming out of everyone else’s raises. Yeah, you warm, wonderful, caring, and compassionate paternalists supporting raising the minimum wage are going to pay for it, because I’m sure as hell not.

Read the rest of this article here:
Seven Hard Truths Liberals Just Don’t Want To Hear - Kurt Schlichter - Page 1
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