Thursday, July 15, 2021

Ron on Education


K-12 Education — seems to me it should be simply making available the skills and knowledge acquired by curiosity and experience by elders to younger minds so that each successive generation doesn’t have to rediscover fire and reinvent the wheel.

Some things really need to be taught by professionals so that the greatest possible number of people can learn them correctly, such as reading, proper spelling and grammar, multiplication tables, chemistry, physics, first aid, and so on.

Since only a limited amount of time is available for those professionals to expose children to the fundamentals, most of the rest of life’s lessons should be taught by the parents, the church, and Mother Nature.

Just as most of what we communicate to each other on a daily basis is non-verbal, much of what we learn about the business of being human is not taught in schools. The really important lessons of ethics, morals, and common sense come through watching people make mistakes in dealing with each other and asking ourselves if the consequences of their actions are what we want to happen to us.

In that regard, history is essential. Many great minds have told us that if we fail to learn from the mistakes of history, then we are condemned to repeat them ourselves. Vicarious learning from other people’s bad decisions is considerably less painful than putting our hands on hot stoves just to see what happens.

When the little tabula rasa goes to his first day of school, he commences a process of learning stuff he didn’t even know he didn’t know. And if he gets good teachers, one of the best skills he will ever acquire is knowing which questions to ask and which answers are horse manure.

Dictators such as Adolf Hitler have told us that if we give him minds to mold when they’re young, he will own them forever. Put another way, the attitudes, mantras, prejudices, and basic philosophy taught in schools become the modus operandi of government 20 years later.

Today we are producing people who can recognize most of the words on a printed page but can’t comprehend the meaning of the sentences, much less the intended purpose for which the page was written. They’re willing to accept facts and figures displayed on glowing screens they hold in their hands because they have no way to determine their validity.

The way I understand it, schools in this country were originally designed to gather children from diverse backgrounds and train them in certain critical fundamentals in an environment which simultaneously provided them an opportunity to learn how to listen and how to work and play well together.

Whenever practical, those fundamental skills could be augmented by extracurricular activities for wider social development in teamwork, gracious losing, gracious winning, sharing, and fine tuning special abilities in various disciplines such as music, sports, and crafts.

The brightest and best were identified and prepared for higher learning, and all were shown the reasons for leaving British rule and establishing a democratic republic in a wild and dangerous but fruitful land filled with opportunities.

Today, however, the NEA has committed itself to criticizing American exceptionalism, condemning “white supremacy,” teaching critical race theory instead of fundamentals, and promoting a lawless culture of poverty with no industry other than victimhood. It belittles heterosexuality, promotes blackification, and equates caucasian heritage with congenital racism.

And what it’s resulting in is an idiocracy with a demented has-been as PotUS, an ignorant and giggly pretender waiting for him to stroke out, and a Congress which wants everyone to believe that being Caucasian is a mortal sin and CRT is more important than the 3 Rs.

Half a century of harrumphing, arguing, doing nothing about the infrastructure, kicking problems down the road, and spending money we don’t have has finally brought us to the consequence of an elitist millionaire anti-american Speaker, a worthless Senate majority leader, a crumbling highway and electrical grid situation, and a debt greater than our gross national product.

If white supremacy were really so systemic and dangerous to POC, wouldn’t white people advocate abortion clinics on every street corner in major urban centers? Push for defunding all law enforcement agencies? Stop imprisoning POC for crime? Promote racism? Hire illegal aliens for menial work? Oh . . . wait – that’s the Left’s, and consequently the NEA’s plan, isn’t it?

The Left’s logos, symbols, avatars, whatevers, are socialism, racism, Marxism, communism, environmentalism, climatism, BLM, CRT, AntiFa, POC . . . . It all makes me wonder if they understand straightforward speech when all the “isms” are taken away.

And, if covid ever does go away completely, I doubt they’ll be able to communicate at all. Imagine the depth of their shock if they ever discover that a racist is someone who disparages or oppresses people of a different ethnic group, NOT simply someone who disagrees with a Democrat.

I’ll tell you what I learned in the schools I went to back in the 40s and 50s: happiness doesn’t come from government benefits, free health care, higher taxes, electric cars, or shiny gadgets; it comes from going to work on time, spending your money sensibly, minding your own business, having good firearms, never running out of spare ammo, staying out of large urban centers run by democrats, keeping a large aggressive dog in the house, a Chevy in the garage, and government out of your bedroom.

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