Thursday, June 3, 2021

Ronsday – Deep Kimchee | Grouchy Old Cripple

 Ron’s weekly rant.

Y’know . . . we’re about to be swallowed up by a deluge of inflation, a tsunami of national debt, a walking ocean of illegal aliens, and a massive flood of wokismo aqui en norte America.

But after it all happens, after the economy is in free-fall, after taxes are hyperbolic, after the police are disbanded and the cities are burned, after the power grid collapses from EV overloads, Slow Joe will shuffle up to a lectern to inform us that it’s all lookin good and the ice cream is great.


A SIX TRILLION budget bill?? R.U.S.M.? Attery-boperated trucks, trains, cars . . . planes? Where’s the juice gonna come from if all the pipelines and coal-fired plants are shut down? Where will the revenue come from for bridge, road, and highway maintenance when nobody’s buyin gas?

And what the hell are we gonna do with all those wind-farms that break down or wear out after 20 years or so? And who’s gonna get rid of all those batteries? And the open-pit mines for rare-earths to make ‘em? And what if you wanna drive someplace over 500 miles away?

Basement Joe and Horizontal Ho are exactly what the Founders warned us against . . . an over-powerful central government run by career politicians whose solution to every problem is to throw money at it.

Joey’s brains fell out along with his hair, I’m pretty sure. And when he replaced his hair with Marxist lint from a Muslim prayer rug and a Mexican serape, he replaced his brains with Breyer’s Green-New-Deal Rocky Road and Ben & Jerry’s Open-Border Swirl.

Those few libs who aren’t deep into voter remorse like to believe the country’s better off without Trump and his mean tweets. They saw Orangeman as a loose cannon and by comparison Joey’s runnin a tight ship. Yeah, more like an anti-right shipwreck.

The greatest gift Trump gave American voters is a clear view of just how corrupt the government is, how biased the mainstream media are, and how many alleged “conservatives” are friggin RINOs.

He showed how to fix things, how to get stuff done like the vaccine, how to control immigration, how to revivify the economy, but Joey & Co. can’t get the idea. It’s like a honeybee explaining to a botfly why flower nectar is better than horse droppings, but as soon as the bee goes away, the fly heads straight for the horseshit.

There’s simply no way we can pay off the trillions we’re tossing around like Mardi Gras beads for things such as immigrants, stimulus checks, covid relief package, extended unemployment benefits, disaster relief, and all those vaccinations . . . hey, SOMEbody’s gotta pay for ‘em, and it ain’t gonna be China.

Orwell told us many years ago in his prophetic voice that full power is acquired when the elite get complete control of what makes modern life possible – transportation, health care, communications, water, food . . . and then either withholds them as the stick to force compliance or provides them as the carrot to ensure dependency.

Then Basement Joe comes along and sez if we behave ourselves, if we all get our shots, if the new-case numbers become manageable, he MIGHT “allow” us to have 6 people come to our house for a backyard b-b-q on 4 July.

Grease and Tripe, guys . . . if Faux Chi announced that little kids, teenagers, and young adults need to have scarlet Vs tattooed on their foreheads as proof of getting shots to avoid a virus with a 99.7% survival rate, the tattoo parlors would run outta red.

The Harris/Biden clown show reminds me of a little kid who gets a toy that’s a bit too advanced for his development, so after he opens it up he spends all his time playin with the box it came in.

Joey is nothin but a tool, Harris is an opportunistic nitwit, Kerry is a fool, and the Buttgiggler is a twit. The AttyGen can’t confirm that 2 + 2 = 4, the SecDef’s #1 priority is removing mean privileged white guys from the military, the SecState is a confirmed anti-Trump Hillary supporter, and the Asst Health Sec’y can’t decide if he’s male or female.

We are in de-e-e-ep kimchee, mes amis, and the closest parallel to our growing chasm between left and right in the US today is the communists and anti-communists in 1930s Spain . . . and that civil war is inevitable.

And the thing is . . . when that happens there’ll be nobody rushing in to help us sort it out, just a bunch of carrion-eaters swooping in to feast on the carnage.

Sure am glad I was born in time to experience the Ike Happy Days, the Reagan Renaissance, and the Trump MAGA moments, all of which are gone like Atlanta in the movie that introduced America to the concept of “Frankly, I don’t give a damn.”

Ronsday – Deep Kimchee | Grouchy Old Cripple

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