Monday, July 15, 2019

Capitalism Is Alive and Well

If you listen to the talking heads of the mainstream media, influential politicians like Senator Bernie Sanders, and left-wing publications and blogs, you'll be led to believe that capitalism is nothing more than a greedy, immoral, inefficient system that uses citizens to fatten corporations and government leaders.  But when you step back, take a deep breath, and study the facts, it's quite clear that capitalism will always be the answer.

Four Reasons Why Capitalism Works

It doesn't matter the date or time – you'll find outrageous claims of the decline of capitalism all throughout history.  During the recent recession, the Huffington Post published a piece titled "Capitalism Is Dead. Now What Do We Do?"  Just last year, the Independent Online ran a piece in which it claims that capitalism has made itself obsolete.  During the recent presidential election, otherwise respectable politicians tried to push the idea of socialism on Americans with straight faces.

While there's always room in America for debate and the marketplace of ideas, it's astonishing that people continue to question the effectiveness of capitalism when it has become the gold standard for successful government over the past few centuries.

In case you've become so inundated with the calls for socialism over the past decade that you've started to question your sanity, let's have a bit of a refresher on why capitalism works and how it benefits the government, the marketplace, businesses, families, and individuals.
Read the four reasons here:
Capitalism Is Alive and Well

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