Thursday, May 25, 2017

This Time They Came for Our Children

By Roger L Simon May 22, 2017 @ PJ Media 

It's not just "Manchester England, England." If you think what happened in Blighty can't happen here -- 19 killed, 59 injured -- you'll  have to excuse me if I say "You're out of your bloomin' mind." Did you already forget 9/11/2001?  Or the Boston Marathon? Or San Bernardino? Or the Orlando gay bar attack less than a year ago that killed 49?

Oh, yeah.  Seems so long ago, doesn't it, even that last one? The "new normal."  We put these things out of our minds the week after to deal with the next trivial Washington scandal or go about our petty lives.  Our culture lives in a self-destructive willful blindness, refusing to see the obvious even though it happens again and again across the globe.  Radical Islam, Islamism, or whatever you want to call it has been at war with us since the Twin Towers came down and even well before.  And they have no intention whatsoever of stopping.

Nevertheless we respond in the most perfunctory manner, nattering on about how Islam is a "religion of peace," criticizing ourselves and others for "Islamophobia," or dismissing it all as a police matter.

But this time it was teenage girls -- our children -- in that Manchester audience, murdered by a suicide bomber. If he had been more successful gaining entry, he might have killed several hundreds of them instead of, at this writing, only 19.

Have we learned anything?  Is this finally going to be enough?  Will we at last wake up?  You tell me that the next time you drop your young daughter off at a rock concert you're going to feel comfortable.  Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, libertarian, or ladeedah, you're going to have heart palpitations, I promise you.

Politicians blather on about how these terrorists are "cowards."  No, they're not.  Nothing cowardly about killing yourself for your vision of god, insane as it might be.  What they are is maniacally evil, the same kind of evil that marched innocents into gas chambers in the 1940s.  If you don't confront it, it goes on and on, just as happened then.

Read the rest here:
Manchester: This Time They Came for Our Children | Roger L. Simon

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