the planet based upon Paul’s writings in the Bible. In recent years, the truth of the historical Jesus Christ has been debated by philosophers, scientists, and historians, but believers in the Jesus myth theory have been growing, especially in America and the UK. According to one Catholic priest, this fact only proves that some people are “seriously confused” in regards to Jesus’ history.
In a related report by the Inquisitr, atheist beliefs are rapidly growing in America, according to a new Pew poll. At the same time, some atheists are starting to form atheist mega churches and are calling atheism a “religion.”
A little over a year ago, an advocate for the Jesus myth position named Michael Paulkovich claimed that he scrutinized 126 texts dated to the time of Jesus and could not find any evidence for a historical Jesus. Historians Dr. Candida Moss and Dr. Joel Baden responded to the controversy generated by Paulkovich by pointing out that only 10 out of the 126 historical writers listed by Paulkovich would ever be expected to mention Jesus Christ at all.
Famous atheists like Richard Dawkins may support the Jesus myth position, but fellow atheists were actually more brutal in their condemnation of Paulkovich’s research. One wrote that “it’s embarrassing that some people think of me in the same breath as clowns like [Paulkovich].” Another atheist wrote that “Paulkovich’s article was the worst pseudo historical nonsense I’ve read on this subject all year.”
In fact, New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman is a former Christian, and he also scathingly compares the Jesus myth supporters to young Earth creationists.
“These views are so extreme (that Jesus did not exist) and so unconvincing to 99.99 percent of the real experts that anyone holding them is as likely to get a teaching job in an established department of religion as a six-day creationist is likely to land on in a bona fide department of biology,” he wrote, according to Historical Jesus Studies.
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