Most Transparent Administration Ever Suffers Curious Epidemic of
Disappearing Email Systems, Crashed Hard Drives and Lost Backup Tapes
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Good times, good times.
• Disappearing email systems:
A week before becoming Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton set up a private e-mail system that gave her a high level of control over communications, including the ability to erase messages completely, according to security experts who have examined Internet records.
• Crashed Hard Drives:
In one of the new[ly recovered] emails, Lerner apparently wrote, “No one will ever believe that both your hard drive and mine crashed within a week of each other.”
• Lost Backup Tapes:
...hundreds of former IRS official Lois Lerner’s previously “lost” backup tapes have been recovered, which could result in the recovery of a new trove of her emails. IRS Deputy Inspector General Timothy P. Camus told Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) on Thursday that it took investigators just two weeks to recover 424 backup tapes that were previously said to be unretrievable.
• And more!
In a Monday ruling, Judge Royce C. Lamberth, senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, accused the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of lying to the court and displaying “apathy and carelessness” in carrying out the law... Judge Lamberth described the “absurdity” of the way the EPA handled a Freedom of Information Act request from the Landmark Legal Foundation and then the court case stemming from it — including late last week admitting it lied to the court about how it went about searching for documents.
• Oh, wait--there's more!:
Freedom of Information Act requests have been routinely ignored-from the very start of Obama’s reign . An Associated Press report found the Obama administration has grown more secretive over time.
• Gee whillikers, I forgot about this one:
The Justice Department’s internal watchdog offered Congress fresh evidence Tuesday that the Obama administration is failing to meet its promises of transparency, accusing department officials of interfering with his independent investigations into employee wrongdoing.
• But it's not a pattern!. Oh, wait. My bad. It is.
Given the number of IG and investigator vacancies, a suspicious person might think that the Obama administration was trying to hide waste and fraud in the various departments.
I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
That is, unless you're a progressive, in which case, you'll shriek the words, "But---Bush!" at the top of your lungs while spittle flies out of your mouth.
Source: Doug Ross@Journal
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