Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Islam - The Evil Nature and the Sinister Agenda of the World's Most Dangerous Cult

English: Faithful praying towards Makkah; Umay...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The problem is not Muslims. The problem is the Quran. This is a quote from Mosab Hasan Yousef, the author of Son of Hamas. He is the son of Hamas Founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef who has been held in an Israeli jail for many years... Our political leaders in Washington are always trying to parse their words and be politically correct whenever they talk about Islam. They are always trying to differentiate between Islam and “radical Islam”. But there is really no difference between radical Islam and Islam. There is only one kind of Islam and that is the Islam of the Quran. Using different words like Islamic and Islamist to try to differentiate between different kinds of Muslims is ridiculous. It is a difference without a distinction. Muslims either follow the teachings of the Quran or they don‘t... If they don't then they are not really Muslims.

Son of Hamas author Mosab Hassan Yousef said, “The problem isn’t Muslims. The problem is the Quran.” But real Muslims follow the Quran and the Muslim holy book is fundamentally flawed. It is filled with hate speech and exhortations to commit the most horrible acts of violence in the name of God. You either believe in the Quran or you don’t. If Muslims don’t actually believe in the Quran then they should renounce their religion because they are not really Muslims. The problem is not that some Muslims don't practice their religion. The problem is that they don’t have the courage to renounce it. It takes a lot of courage to renounce Islam. Your family will probably never talk to you again. Others may try to kill you. The peer pressure that is placed on someone who renounces Islam is tremendous. The only ones with that much courage are usually the brainwashed and brain-dead followers of the Quran. This article is not going to try to be politically correct.

The problem with Islam is very simple. It is as plain as the nose on your face. It is obvious to anyone who even begins to read the Quran that it is a book of hate which exhorts its followers to commit the most horrific acts of violence in the name of their blood thirsty god. The Islamic death cult which was started by Mohammed in the seventh century very much resembles the life of its founder and prophet who was an illiterate tribal war lord that killed anyone who would not submit to his absolute authority.

Read the rest:
Islam - The Evil Nature and the Sinister Agenda of the World's Most Dangerous Cult

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