Monday, May 19, 2014


Sign on a restaurant: "We Cater to White ...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Liberal Democrats take credit for civil rights and blame Republicans for obstructing these rights among minorities. But their claim is a lie. In fact, Democrats fought against any form of civil rights for minorities and only conceded when they knew that their obstructionism would fail. History proves without question that Republicans have consistently fought racism while Democrats proved that they were racists.

In 1954, the United States Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision known as Brown v. Board of Education. This decision overturned a prior decision from 1896, known as Plessy v. Ferguson, which enabled states to establish schools that segregated black students from white students on the basis of what was known as the “separate but equal doctrine” under already established Jim Crow Laws. Brown v. Board of Education effectively put an end to Jim Crow laws as they applied to public education. It outlawed school segregation and declared that “separate but equal” policies in public schools, were a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment. Plessy v. Ferguson enshrined the principle that, in our free America, black students had the legal right to attend schools side-by- side with white students. It led the way to more sweeping civil rights legislation which came years later.

Democrats constantly remind us that they have always been champions of civil rights and equality among races. But, the truth proves otherwise. The fact is that the Plessy v. Ferguson decision was made by a Republican led Supreme Court, in which Earl Warren was Chief Justice, and was supported, encouraged and enthusiastically enforced by a Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had appointed Warren. It is hailed as perhaps the most important domestic political event in one of the most highly praised and most consequential periods of American 20th Century history. But the incontrovertible truth is that Democrats despised Brown v. Board of Education and did all they could to obstruct, and to reinstitute Jim Crow laws which had made second-class citizens of black Americans. Their vehicle for this disgraceful affront to freedom was known as The Southern Manifesto. It claimed that the Supreme Court had abused its power and promised to use all lawful means to bring about the reversal of the decision and to prevent the government (i.e., President Eisenhower) from implementing it. The Southern Manifesto was drafted and presented by 99 members of both houses of Congress, of whom two were Republicans and 97 were Democrats.

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