Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Reading

Barack Obama signing the Patient Protection an...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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The Media: Obama's Keeper

Alice Nelson
Barack Obama has announced yet another grand initiative to try and prop up an administration crippled and hobbled by its own ineptitude. Remember the stimulus that was supposed to create all those shovel-ready jobs? That didn’t work, so he tried a "green jobs initiative" – another bust. More recently “economic equality” and a minimum-wage increase was shelved by Harry Reid, who could barely get half of his party to sign on to it. And my favorite, the Affordable Care Act, or what I like to call the “if you like your doctor you can keep him” bill that we all now see has lived down to expectations. Now we have a new distraction… I mean, “initiative” with the nice flowery name of ‘My Brother’s Keeper’. The president claims that this program will put minority boys on a path toward success, but we’ve seen this president’s follow through, and it is safe to say that this new deal is probably as vapid as every other empty promise offered from the king of promises.

What’s so ironic about this latest scam is it’s from a man who is not even a keeper of his own biological half-brother, who lives in a hut in Kenya. When George Obama needed some help, he didn’t call his brother, the most powerful man in the world. Instead he called Dinesh D’Souza, the man who interviewed him for the movie 2012: Obama’s America; and became his friend. Obama says his Brother’s Keeper program “Goes to the very heart of why I ran for president,” whatever that means -- the media, being what it is, didn’t bother to ask. The specifics of any Obama plan doesn’t really matter to them; what does is the appearance that he cares and is doing something honorable. During his press conference, in order to show that he knows what young fatherless minority youths go through, Obama gave a personal account of his life as a young black man, how he made bad choices and lived a life without his own father. Poor thing just forgot to mention that he was a pampered ne’er do well who lived with his wealthy grandparents in the picturesque state of Hawaii – I can just feel the tears coming on.

Mrs. Obama Schools 'Confused and Bewildered' Grocery Shoppers

Jeannie DeAngelis
I’m “confused and bewildered,” and here’s why: Does Michelle Obama think I’m stupid, or is she the stupid one for believing that intelligent, capable women are “defeated” by grocery shopping?

Moreover, should the wife of the person responsible for launching a health exchange website that really does have Americans, both male and female, “confused and bewildered” at best, and more likely totally “defeated,” really be teaching anyone about how to maneuver through 10 straight aisles and the perimeter of a grocery store?
Then why stop there?  There must be loads of things Michelle could teach.  How about addressing the bewildering dilemma of flossing our teeth?  Surely, the first lady could share shoe-tying techniques. Hospital corners on the bed, anyone?

Personally, of all the Meddling Michelle annoyances, dictating to American women how to grocery shop has got to be right up there with her unsolicited breastfeeding initiative and her recommendation that women who need to know where every restroom is within a five-mile radius of home “Drink Up.”

If Michelle wants something to be confused and bewildered about in a grocery store, she should try finding an English-speaking clerk, or a cart without a bum wheel, or locating a deli line where, after waiting 45 minutes, some nudnick in a paper hat neglects to wave salami at you and ask if you’d like to sample a slice.

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