Sunday, February 3, 2013

Disobeying Unlawful Orders

This is a good read. It comes from Simply Because It Is, a site which always has some interesting reading. Check it out sometime.

I've seen unlawful orders disobeyed in my time in the service.  I have received unlawful orders and stopped them from being carried out as a military police officer.  

It is incumbent upon every military member to not only know what is right and wrong, lawful and unlawful, but also to lay down his life if needs be in refusing to carry out unlawful orders.

The refusal to carry out unethical and unlawful directives is what keeps our nation free.

And during the Nuremberg Trials, the Nazi Party Leaders argued that their subordinates should have known their orders were unethical and should have refused to carry them out.  Meanwhile, those who carried them out claimed they had no choice but to.  It is important to note that what happened in Nazi Germany was legal - though unethical. 

Now, Wolf Blitzer - ignorati extraordinaire of the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party (AKA Mob Rule) is saying that Sheriffs cannot refuse to carry out executive orders given by the president.

Mr. Blitzer:

Were the Sheriffs to simply follow the orders of the president that would make them an unlawful federal militia without jurisdiction with the grossest usurpation of power and destruction of federalism ever seen ( I know those are all big words that Wolf doesn't know but go get a dictionary).  Of course, what's up next is a declaration of martial law to carry it out. It isn't unprecedented in the annals of American history that the presiding government has opened fire on its citizens to carry out its whims.

Further, the Sheriffs have specifically taken an oath to uphold the constitution.  That includes disobeying any laws / decrees / edicts / rulings that override and tear down the constitution.  They protect the public by enforcing the laws, but also protect the public by upholding laws or refusing to enforce laws that would harm the public. 

These guys have disciples in the USSSA
So if a Sheriff was to "Follow the law" in carrying out an unlawful executive order, the Sheriffs would be breaking the law that they are sworn to uphold. 

In other words, this sycophantic genius, Obama, has put them in a catch 22.  They break the law either way.  But one does have precedence and seniority and that is the Constitution.

I pray we do not get to the point where our police go door to door confiscating guns - though I could easily see this happening the rate and way everything's going.   Then you have to ask yourself the questions: do I submit to tyranny? Or do I defend my home to the point of bloodshed and invoke the wrath of tyranny a bit earlier? Which cattle car am I riding in and how many belongings can I bring with me? 

I never thought our society would be faced with these moral dilemmas.  

I did enjoy the New York town hall meeting where the citizens asked the following questions and made the following points regarding gun control - they said:
1) Are you building more prisons to hold us when we don't submit?
2) Are you hiring more judges and building more courthouses to try us when we don't submit?
3) We are the government, when we are tried by a jury, we will be the jury and find these laws unconstitutional and still overturn this.

Lastly, the principles of natural law - or God-given rights - are a large part of the framework of our current (former?) system of government.  Meaning, we don't possess firearms because the government allows us to, but because it is a God-given expectation / right to defend yourself.

WE are the government.  But now, the Democrat Party has overruled the will of the people in this federalist republic, and those they couldn't overrule they bought with welfare and cell phones, the rest will be identified, disarmed and suppressed - all in the name of "Freedom" and "progress." It is the natural course of man to do these things too his fellow man, he is so historically predictable in this regards.  People may call me paranoid - I say I am vigilant. 

We shall see what the American people are made of, our history is one of insurrection and resistance and triumph, but I pray for peace and that God is with our nation.
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