Thursday, June 21, 2012

Not Fine

English: President Barack Obama confers with F...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

June 18, 2012 - Tim Nerenz, Ph.D

Unless the dictionary now defines fine as “not quite Greece yet”, I’m worried that our President may have just had a stroke, or maybe an acid flashback.  Or perhaps he has a girlfriend named Private Sector; maybe she is fine – that might explain it.  But the economy is not fine; and neither is the judgment of anybody who thinks it is. 

More Americans are not working than at any time in our nation’s history.  The rate of job creation is so bad it does not even keep up with population growth.  Over the past four years, the net worth of Americans has dropped by an astonishing 40%.  46 million Americans are on food stamps, and 26 million adults live with their parents.

Dude, that is not fine. 

Our national debt now exceeds our annual GDP and it would take a growth rate of 6% just to keep our heads above water at the rate government spending is growing.  GDP grew by a paltry 1.9% last year, while interest on the debt increased to $454 billion.  Our President can’t even get a single member of his own party to vote for his budget; that is how messed up his fiscal policy is.   

No es bueno, mi amigo.

Even Obama cheerleader and liberal economist Dr. Paul Krugman knows our economy is not fine; he recently called this mess we are in by its real name - depression - in a rare Austrian slip of a Keynesian forked tongue.  

But don’t be surprised if the government suddenly reports healthy growth in GDP over the months running up to the election; it might start to look fine on paper just to make the President look prescient.  GDP is like BLS jobs statistics - a slippery and fluid statistical concept that is not at all what you think. 

Nobody is running a calculator in Washington adding up everything we produce.  No, GDP is a bunch of computers with very complicated programs that estimate theoretical economic activity and then adjust and benchmark and bend and twist and perform all manner of digital voodoo to torture data until it confesses a number they like. 

GDP is a mysterious estimate of spending and everyone with a deadbeat family member knows that spending is not the same as producing.  All those nauseating ads that were run in Wisconsin for the recall election – they count toward GDP.  Ditto for the gas to bus people up from Illinois to vote in it.  The salary of the President’s speech writer who told him to say “fine” – more GDP.  

When President Obama’s 2009 stimulus gave union teachers and fire-fighters raises, it increased GDP.  When the banks loan money to each other and charge each other fees, GDP grows.  When the Fed’s member banks buy or sell treasuries, those fees are included in GDP, too. 

If Ben Bernanke wanted to give his boss a little boost before the November elections, he could just buy and sell U.S. treasuries back and forth to himself a million times and crank up GDP by the fees on the higher transaction volume.  There would be a whole lot of liberal politicians, academics, and media types that would buy it hook, line, and sinker.  And since the Fed’s member banks are not officially government, it would make the private sector look…dare we say it…fine.  Maybe that’s the plan.     

I don’t know why we count government spending in the GDP total anyway - it is like counting your kid’s allowance towards your household income.  All the money government spends is siphoned out of the private sector.  Every dollar was taken from someone who would have spent it (or invested it) somewhere else instead.  Government drains the economy; it does not add to it.  

If you lose your job, does increasing your kid’s allowance get you back to work sooner?  If you answered “no”, then congratulations - you are smarter than all those Senators and Congressmen who voted for President Obama’s Stimulus Bill in 2009. 

They are all still baffled that the economy did not get stimulated.  You and I are baffled too – baffled that they ever made it to Capitol Hill without knowing jack bo-diddly squat about how the economy actually works.  Most of them think government, the economy, and the American people are all the same thing.     

They are not; they are three different things.  The President has added 88,000 government jobs since taking office.  Every job added by government takes 1.5 jobs out of the private sector, according to a study conducted by the University of Paris.  Yes – Paris, France.  Even the French university commies know more about free enterprise than our President – how sad is that?         

GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product.  The word “product” implies something is produced, something of value.  In the real economy, growth happens when more is produced; when we become more productive. 

If you want to know why this President has not been able to pull the country out of the recession he inherited, just try to name a policy choice he has made that provides you – you personally - with an incentive to produce more of anything. 

Can you name one?   I didn’t think so.  And if all the people reading this column right now can’t think of one either, chances are pretty good there isn’t one.  We have just squandered four years indulging a President who is as ignorant about economics as he is hostile to liberty. 

Mr. Obama came into his one term hoping to be the most transformative President in U.S. History; he will leave his one term having transformed a deep recession into a prolonged deep recession.  He will be remembered as the golfing guy who buried us in debt while blaming his predecessor for everything – not exactly a Mt. Rushmore resume. 

But the important thing is that he will be gone.  And at least we will have the opportunity for our economy to become fine once again.

“Moment Of Clarity” is a weekly commentary by Libertarian writer and speaker Tim Nerenz, Ph.D.  Visit Tim’s website to find your moment.  

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