Sunday, April 22, 2012

Man Bites Dog…Likes the Taste

by Derek Hunter
Derek Hunter is Washington, DC based writer, radio host and political strategist.

The theater of the absurd that is our presidential election keeps chugging along with all the vigor our economy doesn’t. One can’t blame Democrats for attempting distraction upon distraction, given the alternative of talking about President Obama’s record.
After all, if it is indeed about the economy, stupid, the only votes there for Democrats are mindless drones who don’t care that nary an economic indicator has improved since Barack Obama took office $5 trillion in new debt ago.
Those of us with eyes open and an IQ above that of our shoe size can’t help but notice. The spin of the last 3 ½ years has left people so dizzy distraction is all that’s left.
So what do we get from the Obama White House? That government should pay for everyone’s contraception – a non-issue that Democrats flat-out lied about and whose only “accomplishment” was to give MSNBC something to put in their chyron rotation alongside “war on the poor,” “war on the elderly” and “war on the middle class. That’s about it.
We also get Ted Nugent. The Motor City Madman said of the President and his fellow Democrats, “We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November! Any questions?”
The outrage from Democrats and their fellow travelers in the media was quick and desperate. It’s a violent threat, and it’s Mitt Romney’s fault … because Terrible Ted endorsed him. They hadn’t cranked the high-dudgeon machine that high since they tried to deny the connection between President Obama and endorser Jimmy Hoffa Jr., after Hoffa, the Teamsters president, called on a crowd at a Labor Day rally to “take these son-of-a-bitches out.”
Only it’s somewhat more difficult to deny the connection when the president was at the rally and spoke after Hoffa and thus had every opportunity to discuss his friend’s “over the top” rhetoric – but didn’t. But you know how it is. If it weren’t for double standards, Democrats and the media would have no standards at all.
MSNBC spent the better part of two days highlighting Nugent’s remarks. The outrage and indignation applied to this non-story would lead one to believe Mitt Romney had launched his political career in the home of a domestic terrorist or something.
But again … we can’t expect much from a media that serves as a lapdog for the president and his extreme ideology.
And speaking of dogs…
Thirty years ago Mitt Romney took a family vacation and put his dog in a crate on top of the car. Anyone who has seen a dog in the back of a pick-up truck or sticking their head out a car window wouldn’t think much of this because a.) dogs like the wind, and b.) it’s a dog.
But the media reaction to this story would lead you to believe Romney pulled a “Clark Griswold” and chained the dog to the bumper, dragging it to its death. Or beat it mercilessly. Or worse, ate it.
I mention that last one because that’s what a young Barack Obama did to dogs during his time in Indonesia. Yes, we have a president who ate dogs.
Now, I don’t care Barack Obama ate dogs. Neither does he given he wrote openly about it in his book Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. But the hypocrisy over the outrage of the Romney dog story necessitates looking into it.
The lapdog media immediately snapped to attention to protect their master. PolitiFact decided not to “fact check” it because it is, in fact, a fact. Instead, they oddly felt the need to put it “in context.” Not to be outdone, Buzzfeed, a new breed of lapdog bred from the bowels of former Politico “journalists” took their defense a step further. They posted a story about the practice of eating dog meat, along with graphic photos, and equated it to eating chicken. Yes, you read that right, eating chicken, complete with pictures of both President Obama and Mitt Romney eating chicken.
PETA, the radical left-wing animal rights group, wasn’t going to waste time trying to create a distraction, they simply gave Obama a pass on his culinary experiment.
Given the poverty from which many of our past presidents have risen, he may well not be the first to have eaten dogs. But that’s hardly the point.
But PETA has no such understanding for Mitt Romney. Its website features a post about the trip entitled, “Mitt Romney’s Cruel Vacation.”
Romney’s dog, delicious as it might have been, lived through the vacation and lived out the rest of his life naturally. And the entire episode would be a non-story if, again, the president and his people felt comfortable talking about the economy, unemployment, gas prices, the explosion of federal spending, etc.
David Axelrod, the head of President Obama’s reelection campaign, couldn’t let sleeping dogs lie. Hetweeted a photo of the president in the car with his dog “Bo” with the caption, “How loving owners transport their dogs.”
It was then it hit why Democrats had become so outraged about how Romney treated his dog. It’s not the dog so much as that the Romneys were in their own car – not a government-issue sedan. And they were paying for the trip themselves – another concept big-government liberals can’t seem to master.
But you won’t hear any of this in the lapdog media. What you will hear is more nitpicking of non-issues as they pertain to Mitt Romney. You’ll hear more about the Mormon Church, into which Romney was born, than you ever heard about the radical racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, into whose church an adult Barack Obama willingly walked and stayed for 20 years. You’ll hear more “truth” about Mitt Romney’s record than you’ll hear about the millions of Americans who don’t count in Barack Obama’s unemployment numbers because they’ve given up looking for work. You’ll hear more about how rich Mitt Romney made himself legally than you even will about how rich Barack Obama made his big donors with our money.
The lapdog media never will cover this president honestly. They will spin for him and obstruct his failed record as long as they can because they support his left-wing agenda and they think, based on their occupations, that they know what is best for America. Well, that and they know how he has the potential to treats dogs.
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