Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nobody Came to My Aid

Anyone know Cathy Cruz Marrero? She's the Pennsylvania woman who was walking through the Berkshire Mall while texting and fell into a fountain. A security guard watching the remote monitors apparently recorded the fall on his cell phone camera and posted in on YouTube where it went viral.

Now Ms. Marrero is all over the news with an ambulance chasing lawyer threatening legal action against the mall because no one came to her aid. Hell, as quick as she got out of the fountain they could not have responded if they had been in the store next door. It was obvious she was not injured.

No - she is pissed - or is she really? How many people fall, get up unhurt, and then contact mall security? She is an employee at this mall and her husband is currently unemployed. Can you say PAYDAY!

Appears she is not only a careless walker but also a careless driver as you can see at this link.

She also has charges for identity theft, receiving stolen property and other assorted charges. You can see the complete list at this link.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I smell something fishy going on. As my Dad used to say, "Don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining."

Details of the story and the video:

1 step leads 'Fountain Girl' to unwanted fame

Fountain Lady: 'Nobody Went to My Aid'
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