Tuesday, March 8, 2011

You Know Your Popularity is in the Toilet When....

President Barack Obama Honors Teachers (201001...Image by nasa hq photo via FlickrObama was hyped as one of the greatest orators of all time. He drew crowds like a rock star. The man even won the Nobel Prize. Everyone swooned at his deft ability to read from the ever present teleprompter. Newscasters got "tingles up their legs."

My how things have changed. Now he's having problems finding a high school that wants him to give a commencement speech. In 2010, the White House held the "Commencement Challenge" where schools could submit applications for a chance to have "The One" speak at their graduation ceremonies. Over 1,000 schools entered.

This year's challenge had only 14 applicants at the February 25th deadline. Hoping to get more responses, the deadline was extended until March 11th. CBS News reported yesterday that there is now a whopping 68 applications.

Out of the entire United States, they have only managed to find 68 schools that have a desire to hear Obama. I guess that Obama is one of the few people that have not tired of hearing his own voice. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

CBS New reported that "officials were unable to explain the reason for the apparent lack of interest, beyond pointing to possible procrastination by school systems."

Maybe it's because all the school administrators are busy protesting in Wisconsin. I guess he could always blame it on Bush. On the bright side, he might have time to get in another round of golf.

You can read the full story here:
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