Monday, March 14, 2011


Post-secondary educational organizationsImage via WikipediaBy 
Neal Boortz 
@ March 14, 2011

The government employee unions lost in Wisconsin. Thankfully that largely includes a loss for the teachers union in Wisconsin. Why do I say thankfully? Because the less power that these teachers unions have, the better. Now I can only partially blame them for asserting their power; you parents who send your children to these people to be educated deserve some of the blame as well. You willingly submit the most precious thing in your life - your child - to these people every day and expect your child to become a competent, well-educated, hard-working individual. But it's hard to imagine how that could be accomplished when these teachers unions care only about one thing: power. And they know they have power, and they admit they have this power.

Now let's try to remember what those teachers unions were fighting for in Wisconsin, shall we? They were fighting for our children, right? Somehow our children were going to be denied a good education of that evil, Hitler-like governor of Wisconsin succeeded in taking away the teacher's collective bargaining right. Isn't that the way it worked?

Now if you believe that nonsense that was being spouted by the teachers unions - if you believe that this is all about your precious children -- perhaps you might take the time to listen to something said by "Bob Chanin, General Counsel to the National Education Association. This comment was maid at his farewell address to the NEA convention last summer --- last summer, before Governor Scott Walker's move in Wisconsin.
Here are the words of Mr. Chanin. If you listen to the program today you'll hear them as he spoke them.
Despite what some among us would like to believe it is not because of our creative ideas; it is not because of the merit of our positions; it is not because we care about children; More.. and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child.

The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 8/2 million people that are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year because they believe that we are the union that can most effectively represent them.
There. NOW how do you feel about protecting these wonderful teachers unions? Aren't they just amazing? As if Mr. Chanin wasn't enough, please remember Albert Shanker, a past-president of the American Federation of Teachers. After an AFT convention someone asked Shanker why all the emphasis on teachers and so little emphasis on the children at the convention. He replied that he would start paying attention to the children when they could vote in union elections.

Did you send your child off this morning to be educated in a government union school? Don't worry, I'm sure it's going to be just fine. It's the other schools that have these self-involved union teachers .... certainly not your child's government school. So .. no need to worry I'm sure.

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