Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Permission Slips Instead of Rights

Our slavery is ingenious because it’s so very subtle. Most people not only don’t see (much less feel)free. This despite the obvious fact that they must first beg – and obtain – permission before they may exercise any of their former natural rights.
their shackles – they get angry when someone calls attention to them. Most people, in other words, still imagine themselves to be

Even the elemental right to choose your spouse, for instance, is no longer a natural right; the state demands the couple seek its permission to marry. Exactly as feudal lords once demanded of their serfs. And serfs we have become.

One reason to do it officially – that is, to beg the state’s permission – is simply to have the legal standing in case, for example, your spouse falls ill. An officially anointed husband (or wife) has specific legal rights that a non-sanctioned (by the state) “partner” does not. And of course, there is the issue of taxes and the disposition of property following the death of a spouse.

The concealed carry handgun permit is exactly similar to the marriage permit. They are both usurpations of natural rights in that they force you to beg permission to exercise your (former) natural rights – and strictly define and delimit how you may exercise these ex-rights. It is the same as regards now-conditional property rights, the former right to travel freely, to speak (and even write) freely… and on and on. These things are now privileges that require permission.

As noxious as all that is, the alternative is even worse: Fail to get permission and your rights disappear completely, insofar as any obligation of the state to respect or even acknowledge them. To put a finer point on it, you can expect to be punished for any attempt to exercise your former natural rights.

They not only get you coming and going – they got you before you got going.

Read the rest:
Permission Slips Instead of Rights - EPautos

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