Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mr. President, Let Me Be Clear

Some things are so predictable you can set your watch by them, especially when it comes to Liberals. Appearing on Face the Nation yesterday President Obama blamed his party’s mid-term election losses on “a failure of politics” because “we have not been successful in going out there and letting people know what it is that we’re trying to do and why this is the right direction”. In other words he believes he is doing everything right but we’re just too stupid to realize it; all he needs to do is dumb down the explanation enough for us simple bumpkins to catch onto his greatness.

This argument is invariably the one used by politicians, all of them but especially Democrats, who have lost an election. They lose because they fail to ‘get out the message’, it’s never because their message was heard and rejected. Maybe the voters haven’t been successful in getting the message out there to the President. Here, let me fix that.

Mr. President, let me be clear – I heard your message in 2008 and rejected it, and that is why I didn’t vote for you. I understood your message again in 2012, and didn’t vote for you a second time. The fault was not in the delivery of the message, nor was it because I didn’t understand it; in fact, it was because I understood your message quite well that caused me to reject it. Since 2008 however, we haven’t had to listen to your message as much because your policies have been implemented and we don’t like the results.

Just so you will understand my message, I will spell it out for you. Americans value freedom and the opportunities that freedom creates, and you have worked tirelessly to destroy that. We don’t like higher taxes, higher prices, and lower wages. We don’t believe three part-time jobs is better than one full-time job. We don’t believe we should be importing coal from Russia while our coal mining families are out of work and our coal mines are shutting down. We don’t want our electricity prices to “necessarily skyrocket”, especially while our incomes are plummeting. We don’t believe we need millions of illegal immigrants to come into the country to drive down wages and take jobs from Americans that really need them. We don’t believe it was right for you to lie to us when you said we could keep our insurance policies and our doctors if we liked them, and we don’t believe insurance policies with $12,000 deductibles are an improvement over what we had.

Maybe you can’t understand this, but we don’t believe the IRS should be used as a weapon against your political opponents, and we don’t believe the NSA should be listening to our phone calls and reading our e-mails. We do believe it is wrong for the federal government to allow illegal gun sales to Mexican drug cartels for any reason, but especially not to use it as an excuse to take away our right to keep and bear arms. We do believe the Attorney General and anyone else involved should be held accountable for the crimes they have committed. Americans don’t believe our people should have been abandoned in Benghazi, nor do we believe your administration should stonewall Congressional investigations into the tragedy. We also don’t believe we should release high-level terrorists in exchange for a low-level Army deserter, nor do we believe you should have ignored the plight of our Marine held in a Mexican prison.

For the record, most of us don’t believe the way to fight terrorism is to arm and train the terrorists, nor do we believe we should have energy policies that force us to buy oil from Middle Eastern countries that fund terrorists while we have more than enough oil right here. Most Americans don’t believe our interests are being served or that our nation is safe while our borders are not secure.

Mr. President, in summary, we understand very well what you are trying to do and don’t want you to do it, we have seen what you have done and want it undone, and we don’t believe you are capable of leading this country to a place we want to be.

What part of that don’t you understand?

Mr. President, Let Me Be Clear - Dispatches From The Conservative Underground

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