Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fighting Words

President Barack Obama delivers remarks about ...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What should we make of the summer soldier/sunshine patriot who sits in the White House and acts both as commander in chief and golfer in chief — never allowing the former to get in the way of the latter? Will he shrink from the crisis presented by the explosive and horrific growth of the Islamic jihad movement, or will he somehow transform himself into someone capable of leading the nation and the free world in a time of war?

If only rhetorically and if only for a few news cycles, Barack Obama moved from flight to fight in his speech on Wednesday night. He stopped doing everything he could to appease a deadly and implacable enemy, and even to deny its very existence. At great long last, he acknowledged the need to confront and destroy this sadistic and monstrous foe.

In his speech on Wednesday, there was no resounding Churchillian language; no “we shall go on to the end” defiance or resolution; no promise to fight on the beaches and landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets; no solemn “never to surrender” pledge. More worrisome, there were plenty of the usual equivocations and weasel words that one expects from Mr. Obama.

Early on, he made the astounding claim that “America is safer” today than it was at the beginning of his presidency, and he went on from there to say:
Now let’s make two things clear. ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents… And ISIL is certainly not a state… It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple.
Wrong on both counts!

To say that ISIL — also known as ISIS or the Islamic State — is not Islamic is the grossest nonsense. Under Mohammed, Islam began as a religion of conquest. A commitment to wage jihad or holy war and to “smite the necks” of unbelievers has been part of Islam from the earliest days. In the 100 years following Mohammed’s death in AD 632, when Islam was still confined to the Arabian peninsula, Arab armies spread the faith as far west as Spain and as far east as northern India and the frontier of China. Today’s radical Islamists want nothing less than world domination, or — if that fails — lighting the nuclear fuse of global destruction. Why not, since their own destruction or martyrdom brings with it the promise of eternal salvation?

Read the rest here:
Fighting Words | The American Spectator

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