Friday, May 23, 2014

This Guy Says He Knows The Constitution

English: The western front of the United State...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At a Democratic fundraiser in Chicago Thursday night, Mr. Obama told a small group of wealthy supporters that there are several hurdles to keeping Democrats in control of the Senate and recapturing the House. One of those problems, he said, is the apportionment of two Senate seats to each state regardless of population.

“Obviously, the nature of the Senate means that California has the same number of Senate seats as Wyoming. That puts us at a disadvantage,” Mr. Obama said.

Obviously, he has no idea of why Congress was established with the structure that it has. The Senators from each state were originally appointed (elected) by the individual state legislatures. It was designed to represent the individual states in the Federal hierarchy. That changed with the approval of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution which allowed Senators to be elected based on popular vote.

The House was designed to be elected by the people of each state and are apportioned according to population - their purpose is to be the representatives of the people.

Obama seems to have forgotten that the three branches of our government were designed to be equal in order to balance the powers of the Federal Government. Congress was never intentioned to be a cheering section for the President nor a rubber stamp for his policies.

It is time to repeal the 17th Amendment.

Read the rest of this story and watch the outlandish video here:

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