Monday, January 29, 2018

5 Things a Democrat Leader Really Believes

As Democrats reel from their devastating loss in Georgia’s special election, one has to wonder what is going on in the heads of Democratic Party leadership.

These days, it seems they do the opposite of what works. In a center-right country, they are moving further and further left. Looking at actions and motivations, we can examine what is really going on in the mind of a Democratic Party leader.

Here are five things Democratic leaders really believe:

1) Flooding new potential voters over the border is more important than the safety of Americans.

Allowing unfettered illegal immigration is dangerous for all involved, but the Democratic leadership doesn’t care. As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, according to a new report from the research organization Just Facts.

As the millions of illegal immigrants have anchor babies in the U.S., Democrats have a new generation of voters ready to elect them just a few election cycles from now. They are playing the long game.

The Democrat leadership salivates at the thought of millions of anchor babies coming of voting age to sweep their party back into power. Nancy Pelosi’s age may be in the triple digits by then, but it looks like she plans to stick around to see the fruits of her labor.

Also, the Democrat leadership doesn’t care if terrorists cross our open borders. Any little people who die in a terror attack are just collateral damage. It’s for the greater good – the Democratic Party leadership’s power and wealth.

2) Democratic leaders know more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens equals less crime, but they want law abiding citizens’ gun rights suppressed anyway.

Again, the Democratic leadership is playing with the lives of Americans, but there is something much more important – their money and power.

Demonizing Second Amendment supporters is a really great way for Democrats to fundraise, especially after a shooting. Democrats can’t wait to find a TV camera after a shooting to politicize a tragedy.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe looked like a jackass as he politicized the attack on a GOP congressman by a rabid leftist Bernie supporter, but all he could see were dollar signs in his eyes when he heard news of a shooting.

Read the rest here:
5 things a Democrat leader really believes

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