Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Barack Obama's 'Gangnam Style'

Photo credit: KOREA.NET - Official page of the Republic of Korea)

It's become a habit for Americans to embrace charismatic individuals without knowing anything about them. The reason could be that our nation's culture has devolved to the point where we're shallow, uninformed and more apt to esteem celebrity above patriotism. As a result, there are America-haters among us who have become rich and famous thanks to the accepting nature of the American people. 
Take Park Jae-sang, also known as PSY from the PSYcho World.  PSY is South Korea's very own Pee Wee Herman/pop star whose "Gangnam Style" hit is all the rage right here in the country he apparently abhors.
What's disturbing about PSY's popularity is that it says more about the star-struck American public than it does about the K-pop star. In Park's case, happily clueless, young and old alike are donning sunglasses, black and white loafers, and bow ties and dancing around "Gangnam Style" like undignified fools.
Think about it -- the "King of You Tube" phenomenon PSY is enjoying is not a new one. The pop star's meteoric rise to fame is similar to the one Barack Obama has been riding for the last five years.  That's exactly how a non-vetted individual like Obama was propelled to political superstardom and ascended to the most powerful position in the world.  Most Americans didn't know one blessed thing about the man when he was elected in 2008, still don't know much about him, and worst of all, when disturbing facts are revealed they couldn't care less. 
Barack 'Obama Style' started just like "Gangnam Style." In 2004, a relatively unknown Illinois senator showed up at the DNC convention singing his snappy collectivist tune, and within months became a national obsession.  Americans got so caught up in Obama's style that they started boogying right along with a man whose low opinion of America was obscured by an adoring media.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/12/barack_obamas_gangnam_style.html#ixzz2Ejcwj78j

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