Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good Reads

Barack Obama
(Photo credit: jamesomalley)
For seasoned political observers on both sides of the aisle, it is not particularly surprising that the media's narrative for Wednesday's presidential debate has already been written.  If Obama were to show up in a clown suit and flip-flops, the media narrative would be that his unconventional attire was a daring and brilliant move designed to challenge the status quoand to reveal his human side, or possibly a laudable effort to make politics more interesting to children.  Romney, of course, would be cast as the dull guy who dressed like an accountant and who failed to reach the audience with his talk of budgets and debt and restoring the private sector. 

Read more.

Compare and contrast how Reagan and Obama have utilized our pre-eminence in space technology. Reagan's Star Wars program raised the space bar so high as to help finesse the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Today, if we want to put a man in space, we must hire the Russians.

Read more. 

Here, as calculated by OpenSecrets.org, are the top five organizations whose employees and employee family members have given the most to President Obama's reelection campaign:

1.    University of California -- $703,781
2.    Microsoft -- $544,445
3.    Google Inc -- $526,009
4.    Harvard University -- $431,860
5.    U.S. Government -- $396,550

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