Friday, September 14, 2012

The Failure of the Cairo Speech

PHOTO) In this composite image a comparison ha...
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
I've come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition.  Instead, they overlap, and share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. - Obama, June 4, 2009

Flash forward to today and read this little piece from Neal Boortz:

Our Improved Relations with the Muslim World

Yeah .. that was sarcasm.  Anti-American protests are spreading throughout the Middle East, and our embassy in Indonesia is preparing for more of the same there.
Things are happening pretty quickly here, and it’s hard to blend it into one continuing narrative.  So let’s just list some bullet points.
  • Initially we were told that these attacks in Egypt and Libya were the result of Muslim outrage (Muslims just aren’t happy if they’re not outraged) over some YouTube movie that insulted (how easy is that?) the so-called “prophet” Muhammed, or Mohammed, or however you spell it. 
  • I think it can be argued that the whole “blame the move” bit is being promoted by the ObamaMedia in order to keep the heat off Obama.
  • Now there are reports that we had advanced warnings of these attacks.  Those reports are coming out of our own intelligence community and officials in Libya and the Middle East.
  • Barack Obama did not attend one single daily presidential security briefing in the week preceding the 9/11 anniversary.  The White House says he receives his briefings in written form.  That way he doesn’t get to interact with security experts, seek clarifications.
  • Actually … Barack Obama is so incredibly brilliant he really doesn’t need intelligence briefings.  He should be briefing the intelligence experts.
  • Obama was reportedly awake and was notified when the attack on the consulate in Libya began.  He was asleep when our ambassador was murdered.
  • After news broke that Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered by the Islamic mob in Libya, Obama issued a statement and headed to Las Vegas for a campaign fundraiser.
  • The ObamaMedia, having already covered for Obama’s inept foreign policy in the Middle East, by blaming an amateur film for the violence decided that Obama needed some cover over his promise to “reset” relations with the Muslim World, and his decision to head to Vegas during a time of crisis for our people in the Middle East.
  • When Romney spoke to the media in January the media attacked.  They were not interested in asking Romney what he would have done differently, or what he would do to improve relations with the Muslim world if he is elected.  They focused entirely on Romney’s statement criticizing Obama’s State Department for the press release warning Americans not to hurt Muslim feelings.  In short, they circled the wagons about their precious Barack Obama to protect him from the marauding Mitt Romney
  • In the days after the attacks the media stories have been more about whether or not Mitt Romney has doomed his own campaign by speaking out against Obama, rather than how Obama has mangled, not managed, U.S. relations in the Middle East. 

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