(Photo credit: 401(K) 2012) |
No, Romney Won't Raise Your Taxes $2,000
By PETER FERRARA on 8.8.12 @ 6:10AM
Mitt Romney's tax plan is a winner, and, lacking a serious
rebuttal, President Obama settles for fabricating charges.
In a campaign stop at Rollins College in Florida last week,
Barack Obama suggested that the middle class should resent Mitt Romney's tax
"I want everybody to understand here -- he's not asking
you to pay an extra $2,000 [in taxes] to reduce our deficit; he's not asking
you to pay an additional $2,000 to help care for our seniors; he's not asking
you to pay an additional $2,000 in order to rebuild America or to fight a
war," the president said. "He's asking you to pay more so that people
like him can pay less."
But here is the actual truth: Mitt Romney is not asking the
middle class or anyone else to pay more taxes. Mitt Romney is proposing to cut
tax rates for everyone, across the board. That would finally liberate the
economy for a long overdue recovery. Increased revenues from that booming
economic growth, combined with savings from cutting Obama's runaway spending
and closing loopholes that mostly benefit the highest income taxpayers, would
enable a U-turn, from the four straight highest deficits in world history to a
balanced budget in 5 years. The roadmap for doing that is Paul Ryan's 2013
budget, which has already been adopted by the Republican controlled House. (The
Democrat majority Senate, by contrast, has never shown up for work.) This is
classic tax reform, cutting rates and closing loopholes.
Obama's Tax Plan: Higher Taxes, No Jobs
The only candidate in this race proposing to increase taxes
is Barack Obama. He has already enacted increases in the top rates of virtually
every major federal tax, which will go into effect January 1. That is when the
tax increases of Obamacare will hit, and when the Bush tax cuts will expire.
(Remedial education for Obama supporters: "Bush tax cuts expire"
means tax increases).
As a result, the top two income tax rates are already
scheduled in current law to increase by nearly 20 percent; the capital gains
tax rate is slated to soar by nearly 60 percent; the tax rate on dividends will
explode to nearly three times its current level; the Medicare payroll tax rate
will rocket up by 62 percent for disfavored taxpayers (the nation's job
creators, investors, and successful small business entrepreneurs); and the
death tax will rise further from the grave with a 57 percent increase in the
top rate.
This is all on top of the corporate income tax rate, which
under President Obama is already the highest in the industrialized world at 35
percent -- or nearly 40 percent counting state corporate rates on average. Even
Communist China has a lower corporate income tax of 25 percent. The average in
the social welfare states of the EU is less than that. Germany has an 18
percent federal corporate rate. Canada, which has been booming under a
conservative government, is now at 15 percent.
American businesses are uncompetitive in the global economy
under these tax policies. But with President Obama there is no relief in sight.
Instead he is continually barnstorming the country calling for still more tax
increases. Under his so-called Buffett rule, the capital gains tax rate would
increase by 100 percent, to the fourth highest in the industrialized world.
Then in 2014, the Obamacare mandate tax will go into effect,
requiring every employer and every worker in the country to buy the expensive
health insurance plan that the federal government decides you must have. That
is another tax increase on the middle class, which -- in addition to all the other
tax increases in Obamacare they will have to pay -- trashes Obama's central
campaign promise in 2008 not to raise taxes on working people.
Obama promised in 2008 that he would only increase tax rates
on the wealthy -- the nation's job creators, investors, and small business
owners -- to the levels that existed under President Clinton. But this talking
point, which he and his brain dead supporters are still repeating, is now long
outdated. In total, these tax increases will raise top rates well beyond the
Clinton rates, and in an even worse context. Other countries have learned the
lessons of Reaganomics and slashed rates on capital in particular since then,
and so they are already outcompeting America today. Thus, the combined effect
of all those tax rate increases on "the rich" would be a renewed
recession, double-digit unemployment, and a federal deficit that tops $2
Read the rest of this story here.
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